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It had been a week since Yoongi had promised he was going to fix things, but unfortunately, things have just gotten worse for the boy.

When Yoongi had the same classes as him, which were only a couple days a week, he was safe. After Yoongi had went off on Jungkook, no one dared to mess with Jimin when Yoongi was around.

But of course, anytime Jimin was caught by himself, Jungkook and his friends always took their chance.

It started out as basic harassment, Jungkook would come up to him and wrap his arms around his shoulders so he couldn't run off. Then he would just ask him questions about him and Hoseok's so called relationship, but Jimin wouldn't say anything.

The first time this happened Yoongi happened to walk by and that started another fight between the two, which just made things worse for Jimin.

Now, Jungkook will harass Jimin and ask him if he's "screwing both of them" or things like that, which just makes Jimin all types of uncomfortable.

Whenever this would happen Jimin would get too scared to say anything, so he would give the boys harassing him the silent treatment, which quickly started to piss them off.

At first Jungkook would lightly smack his cheek to try and get a response out of him, but Jimin still refused. Of course the smacks scared the boy, so he would start crying, which made Jungkook and the others get even more violent.

They would push him up against the lockers when he started crying and call him names, and would smack him around even harder.

Luckily, because they were in the school, they couldn't do too much to him because teachers or other students walked by too often. But, every time they did get a chance, each encounter got worse.

Jimin was too scared to talk to anyone about this, even Hoseok, because he was still avoiding him for obvious reasons. He dreaded getting out of bed in the morning, the thought of going to school now terrified him.

Even if he decided to go to the counselor or something, he assumed no one would believe him because all those boys were nice to him in front of the teachers, and he had no evidence of the boys harassing him.

Jimin sighed as he heard the bell ring, signaling it was the end of his last period. He hadn't focused on anything the teacher had been saying, his thoughts distracting him.

He gathered his things and walked out of the classroom, shoulders slouched and a frown on his face he didn't realize he was making.

He didn't want to fight through all the students trying to leave at once, so he headed in the opposite direction and made his way to the restrooms. He still hadn't gotten his car keys back because he hadn't been turning in work, so the teachers called his mom again, so he was in no hurry to have to start walking home.

As the boy was walking into the restrooms, he was lost in his thoughts and didn't realize he was being followed.

He set his binder down on the countertop, sighing as he looked into the mirror.

His hair was a mess and he had bags under his eyes from the lack of sleep he's been getting. He was too tired to try and look decent in the mornings, so a pair of grey sweatpants and loose long sleeved shirts had been his go to outfit in the mornings.

Jimin shook his head at himself, he couldn't believe how he had let himself go like this.

He leaned down and splashed some cold water on his tired face before looking back in the mirror, letting out a shriek when he saw the familiar head of blond hair behind him.

"What's wrong with you?"  Yoongi said, stepping closer to the younger.

"God, Yoongi! You s-scared me." Jimin said, his eyes darting to the dirty bathroom floor.

"Obviously," Yoongi said, taking another step towards the younger, crossing his arms over his chest. "Now answer me."

"I-I'm s-sorry?" Jimin stuttered, backing up, bumping into the cold sink.

"Jimin, you've been walking looking like you just got back from a funeral for days now. You really think I haven't been paying attention to you?"

"Obviously not." Jimin mumbled, barely above a whisper. He didn't mean for Yoongi to hear, but he did.

Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows as he stared at the boy whos eyes were glued to the ground.


"N-Nothing, I don't know w-what you mean. M'fine."

"Jimin I heard you. What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

Jimin shrugged his shoulders. He didn't want to tell Yoongi anything, knowing it would make it worse.


"Nothing, Y-Yoongi. I'm f-fine. I'm just t-tired." The younger sighed, he wasn't completely lying. He was exhausted and just wanted to go home and sleep. Yoongi rolled his eyes at the reply, cupping his hand around the boys chin, forcing the younger to look at him.

Jimin's eyes widened at the touch as his cheeks started to turn a light shade of pink under Yoongi's gaze.

"Tell me the truth, Jimin."

Jimin opened his mouth to say something, but closed it shortly after.

Yoongi sighed when Jimin didn't reply, removing his hand from his face and crossed them over his chest.

"Fine, don't tell me. I'll figure it out myself." Yoongi said, stepping away from the younger. Jimin assumed Yoongi was going to leave, but he didn't. He stood there, staring at him.

Jimin gulped, grabbing his binder off the counter and started to walk out of the restroom, Yoongi following behind him.

Jimin made his way to the exit door, the blond still following behind him.

Jimin had walked across the parking lot and to the side walk with Yoongi following him, and he was mad and confused now. 'Why is he following me?'

"What a-are you d-doing?" Jimin said, stomping towards Yoongi.

"Following you."

Jimin looked at him with a blank expression.

"Smartelic." Jimin mumbled, making Yoongi let out a chuckle at his choice of insult. "Obviously, but why?"

"I plan to annoy you until you tell me whats wrong."


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Sorry this is a lil late, but its an update so

Idk how i feel about this chapter its kinda a filler but im gonna try to update once a day because I have way too much free time on my hands, so hopefully tomorrow's update will make up for this chapter

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