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Both the boys ended up getting detention, just as Yoongi thought they would. Yoongi did feel bad for getting the younger in trouble, but he didn't feel too guilty because he didn't get to say everything he wanted to before their coach had came looking for them.

Yoongi walked into the detention hall with his hands shoved in his pockets. He didn't know why, but he was somewhat nervous to see the younger.

Yoongi was distracted all day. All he could think about was how mad he was at himself, he really did upset Jimin. He still didn't believe Jimin was as innocent as he was letting on to be, but he realized that it didn't matter. If talking about sex or swearing makes Jimin uncomfortable, he needs to respect that.

Yoongi didn't like feeling guilty. He didn't like it at all.

He scratched the back of his head, walking into the correct room. He was surprised to see that the was room empty, other than the teacher.

When him and the teacher made eye contact, she didn't bother to say anything and just pointed at the seats, motioning for him to sit down.

Yoongi sat there for a few minutes, staring at a random poster that was hung on the wall. Right when he started to worry, wondering where the younger boy was, Jimin came rushing in the door, out of breath.

"I-I apologize for being late. I've n-never been to this part of the school before, I got l-lost." Jimin said, he looked like he was fighting back tears.

Yoongi's heart ached a little at the sight. He started to feel worse about getting him in trouble.

"Just take a seat." The woman said, standing up and came over to where Jimin sat, which was the front desk on the front row.

"Phones." She said, holding out her hand.

Jimin dug around in his pocket, handing his cellphone over to her. She then made her way over to Yoongi, collecting his as well.

"I'll be back in a bit. If I come back and either one of you are sleeping I'm adding three more days of detention."

And with that, the woman left the room.

Jimin glanced over at Yoongi and then quickly looked away, but Yoongi noticed since he had been staring at the boy. Yoongi stood from his desk, walking over and taking a seat next to Jimin.

Jimin crossed his arms, placing them on his desk and then laid his head down.

He said something, but Yoongi couldn't understand him from his face being smushed into his arms.


Jimin huffed, sitting up straight, crossing his arms over his chest.

"You keep getting me in trouble." Jimin mumbled, but Yoongi heard him this time.

Yoongi could have swore he saw Jimin's lip start quivering a little after he said that, and the sight made Yoongi weak.

"I know, I'm sorry. I just really wanted to talk to you in private earlier."

And with that, the sensitive boy started letting tears run down his face, and Yoongi was now positive his lips were quivering earlier.

"Jimin, why are you crying?" Yoongi said, scooting his desk closer to the younger's.

"I-I-I don't know. I'm just s-so sad, e-everyone has been so m-mean to me lately. I-I don't k-know what I did..." Jimin cried, covering his face with his hands. Yoongi stood up walking around the desk. He sat on his knees and started rubbing Jimin's shoulder in attempt to comfort the poor boy, but little did he know, he was only making it worse.

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