183 15 50

March 26, 1994

Tyler plays with a golden necklace and opens the medallion. He smiles at the sight and and his smile disappears as soon as he closes it again.

Saturday, 08:03 am. Grocery shopping time.

He folds the necklace with its medallion in a small, soft piece of fabric, before hiding it in the right pocket of his pants. He grabs his keys, slides his jacket on and walks down the stairs of the flat.

He breathes slowly and softly and avoids any eye contact. When he enters the small drugstore, he hears a cellphone ring.

Tyler makes eye contact with the man behind the counter. He smiles apologetically. Tyler nods and walks over to the fridge. He grabs milk and butter, then he walks over to the eggs and grabs a six-pack, and then he walks over to the counter again.

"Yeah, yeah that's good, fine. I have a costumer now, so I gotta go. Okay. Love you too." He sighs and hangs up.

"Good morning Tyler," He greets.

"Good morning Aaron. Do you have some bread?" Tyler asks with a low voice.

Aaron says he does and grabs a whole bread wrapped in brown paper, while Tyler puts his groceries on the counter. "Here ya go. Is that everything you need?"


"You never get yourself anything else than that. You should try some cheese."

"Not interested," Tyler replies.

Aaron sighs and walks over to the fridge to grab some cheese and Nutella and throws it on the counter.

"It's on me. four seventy-five please."

While Tyler grabs his money, he mutters a thank you. Aaron packs everything in a paper bag and hands it to Tyler. "Have a good day."

Tyler nods and leaves. But when he just gets out of the store, he bumps against a a boy.

"Ouch! Oh, I'm so sorry!" The boy apologises. Tyler notices he is young, short and has curly, brown hair paired with dark brown eyes.

"It's fine."

The boy smiles uncomfortably and walks into the drugstore. Tyler makes his way to his apartment.

When he finally arrives at his probably temporary home, he decides to make himself breakfast before doing the laundry.

He cooks an egg and thinks about maybe buying a pack of orange juice the next time. He fills his plate with the cooked egg and a piece of bread with Nutella smudged over it.

Tyler eats his meal quickly and brings his empty plate to the kitchen sink and starts to do the dishes. He yawns. Tyler hasn't slept well in forever.

Just when he wants to start his daily workout, he wants to put his necklace on the table, but he finds out that his necklace isn't in his right pocket anymore.

His chest tightens, his throat feels dry and thick and he can't breath anymore. "Shit," he chokes out. He begins to search around the apartment and eventually runs out of the building to find the object that meant more to him than he ever noticed it did.

And as if it was planned, he runs into the boy from before. "Hey I was looking for you! I've got your necklace," he smiles.

"Give it back to me," Tyler snaps.

"Sorry," the boy apogolises softly.

Tyler immediatelly softens when he feels the cold metal through the soft piece of fabric in his hand and looks at the boy.

the ring trick ❂ tysh (joshler)Where stories live. Discover now