Creepypasta (males)

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Name: Kion Leo Hōseki

Nickname: Kai (He prefers being called this name too)

Creepypasta name: The Stitched-mouth Man (both him and his twin brother are also called "The Stitches Brothers")

Age: 18

Gender: male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Appearance: He has very long, wavy, red hair that reaches past his waist. Blue, emotionless eyes. Tan skin. And so many stitches all over his body (too many to count actually). But the worse ones are on his face. The ones that reaches from the corners of his mouth all the way to his ears especially. He mostly just keeps those covered with a surgical mask and a blue scarf. He doesn't really cares what he wears exactly. Just as long as it covers his stitches since he's uncomfortable of showing them.

Personality: like I said, he really REALLY doesn't like showing any of his stitches, so he's a bit insecure of his appearance. But he's actually more like a guardian figure when it comes to his brothers or anyone for that matter (as long as you're not a jerk). Whether it's either scolding his twin brother, being overprotective of his little brother, or even telling anyone to get to bed before it gets too late, it wouldn't be surprising if you actually mistake him for some sort of guardian. But he's also very insecure about his appearance, especially for the stitches on his mouth. So if you do end up being curious and try to take off his mask, you're either met with a few stab wounds or a strong hand stopping you with a strong "No!" And like others, he does have moments where he snaps, like when someone insults his stitches or his little brother. And as for his twin, well he can take care of himself.

Likes: his little brother, his twin (but doesn't exactly show it), reading, some piece and quiet, music, singing, dancing

Dislikes: showing any of his stitches, anyone who tries to take off his surgical mask, being teased by his twin, losing his loved ones, anyone who hurts his little brother

Mental disorders: PTSD, bipolar disorder

Weapon: knives. Lots and lots of knives. He keeps knives almost everywhere on his body for emergencies. Like underneath his trench coat. Up his sleeves. Even in his pants and boots! Like I said in his personality, he can be very VERY overprotective... And just in case of emergencies, Kai also keeps this weapon underneath his trench coat. Like I said, he's very protective.....

 Like I said, he's very protective

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Slenderman or Zalgo?: Slenderman

How they kill: He lures his victims close to him by his looks in the shadows. Then once they're close enough, he slowly pulls off his mask and says "It's time to pay for what you've done." before slashing their throats, not enough to kill them, just enough to leave them stunned and voiceless. He then carves the bad deeds that his victims did on their bodies (like if he targets somebody cheating or having an affair then he carves "CHEATER" on their body).

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