Harry Potter

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Name: Noah Bishara

Age: 11 - 18

Gender: male

Sexual preference: Gay af (let the gays rise!) 🏳‍🌈

Blood status: Half blood

~ Hair color - Dark red
~ Eye color - Dark blue
~ Skin color - Pale ivory
~ Hair style - Long and wavy
~ Recognizable features - a scar across his left cheek as well as one on his bottom lip
~ Accessories - pierced tongue and left eye brow (at the age of 13)

Positive traits: Brave, cunning, friendly, extroverted, encouraging, loyal, comforting, humorous, trustworthy, empathy, strong

Negative traits: A bit hotheaded, reckless, careless, can get a bit overprotective and violent, immature, impatient, irresponsible, jealous, stubborn

~ Rose Bishara, Mother (deceased)
~ Aribon Bishara, Father (alive)
~ Kiara "Kia" Bishara, twin sister (alive)
~ Tai Bishara, cousin (alive)

Friends: Harry, Ron, Hermione, the Weasley Twins, Neville, Luna

Enemies: Draco (for now) and his goons, Snape (doesn't think he's evil, he just doesn't like having him as a professor), Voldemort, Death Eaters, Umbridge, their uncle (Tai's father)

Love interest: Draco Malfoy or open~

House: Gryffindor

Wand: Rowan wood with a dragon heartstring core, 12½" and pliant flexibility

Animagus: Tabby cat

Patronus: White tiger

Boggart: Heights

Extra: Has a pet Eostrix owl named, Tiger


Name: Kiara Bishara (prefers to be called Kia)

Age: 11 - 18

Gender: female

Sexual preference: pansexual

Blood status: Half blood

~ Hair color - Dark red
~ Eye color - Dark blue
~ Skin color - Golden brown
~ Hair style - Long and wavy
~ Recognizable features - a scar across her right eye (she often keeps that covered with her bangs)
~ Accessories - pierced ears (at the age of 13)

Positive traits: caring, motherly, stern, clever, brave, helpful, hardworking, compassionate, soft, non-judgemental, selfless, forgiving, loyal, comforting, well-mannered

Neutral traits: selfless (can be good, but often times could also be bad because she keeps forgetting that she needs to take care of herself too)

Negative traits: can get overprotective and REALLY violent (even more violent than Noah), forgetful of her own health, overworking, stubborn, secretive, snarky

~ Rose Bishara, Mother (deceased)
~ Aribon Bishara, Father (alive)
~ Noah Bishara, twin brother (alive)
~ Tai Bishara, cousin (alive)

Friends: Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Luna

Enemies: Draco and his goons, Voldemort, Death Eaters, Umbridge, their uncle (Tai's father)

Love interest: Varies between Ron or Neville

House: Gryffindor

Wand: Beech wood with a unicorn hair core, 12¼" and reasonably supple flexibility

Animagus: Barn owl

Patronus: Lion

Boggart: Either thunder and lightning or seeing her loved ones dying

Extra: Has a snowy owl named, Angel

Name: Tai Bishara

Age: 11 - 18

Gender: transgender male (F to M)

Sexual preference: Bisexual

Blood status: pure blood

~ Hair color - black
~ Eye color - Dark blue
~ Skin color - Pale ivory
~ Hair style - short and messy
~ Recognizable features - a scar over his left eye (he mostly covers it with his bangs.
~ Accessories - a pair of glasses that look very similar to Harry Potter's, but golden and a bit bigger (he actually gets mistaken as Harry a lot) and a pierced left earring

Positive traits: smart, generous, gentle, non-judgemental, loyal, helpful, patient, mature

Negative traits: snarky, passive, almost emotionless, secretive, a bit pessimistic

~ Selena Woodwind, Mother (deceased)
~ Burton Woodwind, Father (alive, in Azkaban)
~ Kiara "Kia" Bishara, cousin (alive)
~ Noah Bishara, cousin (alive)

Friends: Harry, Ron, Hermione, Luna

Enemies: Draco and his goons, Umbridge, Voldemort, any Death Eaters, his father

Love interest: your OC or open~

House: Ravenclaw

Wand: Elder wood with a Phoenix feather core, 10 3/4" and hard flexibility

Animagus: Burmese python

Patronus: Cheetah King

Boggart: Either his father or small spaces

Extra: Has a pet albino Burmese python named, Cherry

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