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Just a Fan
Chapter 10
Kyla's pov:
Hannah and I were in the hotel waiting for Corbyn and the boys. I was really nervous, I didn't really knew why. Is Zach coming? that question was in my head. Don't ask why because I really didn't know why. Corbyn dm me telling me that he was in the lobby. I told Kyla and we went to the main floor were the lobby was. The elevator doors opened and I see them there, sitting on the small couches and the most exciting thing was that Zach was there!! He looked so cute.....

Corbyn: Kyla!!!!

Kyla: Corbyn!!!!

Daniel,Jack,Jonah: Hiiiii

Zach: Hi

Hannah,Kyla: Hi

We all got into a group hug and then Corbyn and I got in another one.

Corbyn: So Zach, this is Kyla the new singer of Atlantic Records

Zach: oh awesome!

Daniel: She is really talented!

Corbyn: and this is Hannah her best friend

Zach: nice to met you!
We all decided to go for lunch, none of us have eaten in all day, so we were really hungry. Some time passed by and we arrived were we were going to eat.

Zach: So Kyla, how did you decided that you wanted singing to be part of your career?

Kyla: all of my family is in love with music so I grew up in a place with music 24/7 and since I was a little I love to sang and I would always say that I wanted to be a singer.

Zach: oh amazing!

Daniel: and how did you decided to post mashups on instagram?

Kyla: actually that was Hannah's idea

Jack: you are a great friend for telling her to do that

Hannah: I know
Hannah said proudly.

Zach: oh so you posted mashups on instagram?

Kyla: yes I did

Zach: can I see one of them?

Corbyn's pov:
Zach: can I see one of them?

I was really excited that he asked this, so he can finally know how talented she was, he was going to fall more for her.
Daniel: look
Daniel handed him the phone and he played the video. While he was watching his eyes were shining like when they first met.

Zach: wow!
Zach: I have no words
Zach: that was amazing !!
Zach: you are so talented!!

Kyla: thanks!

Hannah: yes she is really talented

Everyone agreed. We finished eating and it was late so we decided to go home, but first we will live Kyla and Hannah in the hotel because tomorrow was Kyla's big day.

Daniel: Good luck Kyla!

Kyla: thanks!

We were in our way home when Zach asked us more about Kyla.

Zach: how did you knew that Kyla was the new singer?

Corbyn:.... David told us

Zach: oh
Zach: she is really beautiful..

Everyone looked at him with a big smile on the face

Zach: sorry...I meant that she sings really beautiful

Jack: Zach! We all know what is happening here

Zach: what do you mean?

Jack: We all know that you have a BIG crush on her

Zach: uhh.....no...?

Daniel: yes you do

Zach: I don't have

Jonah: look at you your checks they are really red

Jack: you didn't stop talking about her after the Austin show

Daniel: about how beautiful she is and that she has the most beautiful eyes in the whole entire world

Zach: because she has the most beautiful eyes in the world

Corbyn: zach you can trust in us

Zach: ok! I do have a crush on her but please don't say anything

Corbyn: don't worry we won't but you too would look really cute together!

Zach couldn't stop blushing, this was amazing he finally said that he had a crush on her!

Just a Fan  (Zach Herron)Where stories live. Discover now