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Just a Fan
Chapter 25
Zach's pov:
I: Hello everyone! We are here with one of the most popular boy bands.
Why Don't we,can you all present yourselfs?
C: I'm Corbyn
D: I'm Daniel
J: Im Jonah
Z: I'm Zach
J: and I'm Jack
We start to talk  about tour, music and lots of funny moments as a band, until that question just came.
I: So we have seen that some of you guys are dating someone, can you tell us, who's that lucky girl?
C: oh I'm the lucky guy, her name it's Christina and she lives in NYC
I: And Zach! We've seen that you are with the new rising pop star Kyla Stevens... Can you tell us if that's true?
Z: umm... yeah she has an amazing voice but I'm actually not dating her she's just a close friend of mine and the boys, but I'm not dating her

I couldn't think about anything else. That flashback came back to my head and never got out. I didn't new that the consequences will be that bad. Loosing the love of my life was the worst, there was nothing worse that could happen. I don't know why I said that. I felt weird, I felt different. When I said that, I felt guilt, I looked up and saw Kyla, I could see through her eyes what she was thinking and I couldn't see anymore, I just saw tears running down her face. She left. The interview finished all of the boys came to me to ask me why did I say that. I didn't answer I didn't feel nothing. I felt emotionless. I came back to the tour bus, Kyla was there. We fought a way we have never done before. I told her things that I would never say. Things that I didn't mean. She was more than just a fan for me. She is my everything.
Z: maybe it doesn't because you are just a fan...!!
K: you know what, maybe you are right... maybe Im just a fan...
That moment I knew that I lost her.
C: What the hell man?!
I looked at Corbyn and he left to find Kyla. It made me sad just to know that he would make her happier than what I could at this moment. Daniel came most probably to calm me down. He knew that what I did was wrong but he was one of my 4 best friends and stayed with me. I was crying, something that I haven't done for years. Daniel left he wanted to give me some space. First thing that I did was trying to call her but I couldn't. I resisted. Daniel was right she needed space and someone to be there. I checked social media because the interview was up and I didn't want to see it, but she was right hate will come back. Comments and comments came:
"You only use Zach for his fame"
"I never thought that I would say this but I thought that you were different"
"Zach doesn't deserve a girl like her"
I saw more comments and posts everywhere, even hashtags.
Everything was my fault. I lay in bed thinking about everything. Waiting for Kyla to come to the bus. I knew that she wouldn't talk to me and I understood but I just wanted to know that she was safe.

Just a Fan  (Zach Herron)Where stories live. Discover now