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Just a Fan
Chapter 14
Zach's pov:
Me and Kyla were talking about our childhood and how we miss those days. My phone started to buzz, I looked at it and it was jack
Jack: you should ask Kyla!
I looked at her beautiful eyes and see that sparkle that make her eyes more special. Of course I was going to ask her on a date but I didn't know how and what if she tell me that she doesn't want to come.

Zach: umm...Kyla?
Kyla: yes Zach?
Zach: can I ask you something?
Kyla: yes
Zach: I was wondering if you would like to go to a date with me? 
Kyla: I would love to go on a date with you
Zach: tomorrow at 3:00 pm it's ok?
Kyla: yes
Zach: great!

Kyla had to leave so Corbyn went with her.
Jack, Daniel, Jonah: did you ask her?
Zach: yes (starts to blush)
Daniel: when are you going?
Zach: tomorrow at 3
Jack: that's muh boiiiii
Jonah: and we're are you going to take her?
Zach: I don't know yet
Zach: can you guys help me?
Daniel: something fancy?
Zach: no, she doesn't like things really fancy
Jack: ok so something casual
Zach: yes
Daniel: romantic?
Zach (blushing)
Daniel: Why don't you take her to the park and you both can have a beautiful pick nick.
Jack: or you can't take her to the movies then you can go to dinner?
Zach: what if I take her to the beach and we can se the sunset?
Jack: uhhh the romantic Zach it's here!
(Zach starts to blush)
Daniel: but if you are going to pick her at 3 you should go to lunch
Zach: oh yeah that's a good idea

Kyla's pov:
Corbyn brought me to the hotel, but I couldn't resist the excitement, so I called Hannah.

Hannah: Kyla?
Hannah:  what has been happened between Zach and you?
Kyla: Guess what?!?!!!
Hannah: Omg! What happened?!?!!
Kyla: Zach asked me to go on a date!!!
Hannah: OMG That's AWESOME!!!!
Hannah: how did he ask you?

I told Hannah everything and I  was really excited. I did really like him and couldn't be happier. I loved how he smiles, how he cares about others, how he loves his family, and more, he was perfect.

The next day:
Zach's pov:
I woke up at 9 am but I couldn't handle the excitement. Today I was going on a date with Kyla!!! I went downstairs and saw Daniel and Jack staring at me.

Zach: Why are you looking at me?
Jack: we see your excitement
Daniel: what jack said
Zach: ok?

I went and grabbed the keys so o can buy some things for the date

Daniel: where are you going?
Zach: to the store to buy some things for the date
Jack: oh ok

Kyla's pov:
I woke up with a big smile on my face because of Zach, I couldn't stop thinking about him, he just was amazing. I started to get ready and realized that I really didn't have anything to do something before the date. Maybe I can explore LA?
But I don't really know anything about  LA, what if I get lost? Maybe if I call Corbyn we can do something  before the date? Or he can help me out because I'm really nervous to be honest. I was really confused because this feeling was excitement and confusion. I'm so confused!! What if Zach just wants me to go on a date with me because he's being friendly? Or because the boys told him to? But what if he really wants to go on a date?
I got ready and decided to stay in the hotel till the date.

Zach's pic: it was finally time for the date. I headed to Kyla's hotel but I was really nervous. What if she just accepted to come with me because she wanted to be friendly? Or did she wanted to come?
I finally arrived and texted her that I was there. I went to the hotels lobby and saw Kyla coming. She was there, the most beautiful girl ever! She was so cute and her eyes were beautiful. How they shine. I was really in love with her but just look at her how couldn't I fall in love?

Just a Fan  (Zach Herron)Where stories live. Discover now