Chapter 11

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So... Here I am again. How long has it been? Months? Years? A year I guess. I started to write this fanfiction few days before I start my degree study. And now I'm doing my internship. Haha how time flies... 

       It was Winter Cup season. The preliminaries  were happening around Japan. Only the two best high schools from each prefecture would be represented to Winter Cup tournament. Since Rakuzan High team had won the Interhigh, they need not to be included in any preliminaries.  But training is not meant to be skipped. Like other participating schools, Rakuzan High team were also doing their training. They were to give their best for the tournament.

       As always, Shuha continued sending her good luck and congratulation messages to Akashi. Although she almost never get any reply from him, she knew that Akashi was always happy to her messages.  And happy he was. Whenever Akashi saw her messages, he would smile although sometimes he tried to hide it from his teammates.

       While Akashi was busy with the basketball training, Shuha was also busy with photoshoot of her school's basketball team. Apparently the team was qualified to represent Kanagawa prefecture to the Winter Cup. It was expected anyway with a Generation of Miracle in the team. Sometimes, Shuha also had to come with them to certain matches especially when Kaijo High was to play against other teams that had Generations of Miracle as their player. Most of the photos were to be featured in the school magazine.

      And now the time for the final tournament  would be tomorrow. It would be Rakuzan versus Seirin. Akashi felt thrilled. He was to play against his former teammate, Kuroko Tetsuya. He was the one who found Kuroko's hidden ability  and now he was about to see how his teammate had developed his skill. That night, he couldn't stay still thinking about how the game would turn out. Knowing Kuroko, he knew that something unexpected would happen. 

      Just when he was lying down on his bed thinking about tomorrow, a message came in. Yes, it was from Shuha.

From : Kougami Shuha

Hello, Akashi-kun! So the final match is finally tomorrow. Are you nervous? I'm sure you're not, right? You know you would win and I do too. 

I heard your ex-teammate is in the team your're playing against tomorrow. But he isn't a Generation of Miracle, right? Then, I'm sure you can marmalize them. TE-HE! 

Good luck~! ^_^

       Akashi couldn't help to chuckle to see her choice of word in the message. This girl never cease to make his day. Shuha was right. He was sure that he would win tomorrow. But she was wrong about Kuroko not being apart of Generations of Miracle. In fact, he was the rumored Sixth Man that had contributed a lot to their victories.

      He stared at the message for a minute. He contemplated whether to reply her message or not. He almost never do so before for he though it was unnecessary. But this time, he just felt like doing so. Maybe because he wanted to correct her about Kuroko. Or maybe... he just wanted someone to talk to for now.

      After some moments, Akashi finally decided to continue this conversation. And here is how the conversation went:

Akashi: Thank you, Shuha. I really appreciate it. You are never tired to support me and I'm very glad for that. About Tetsuya, you're quite wrong about him. He may not a literal member of Generations of Miracle, but he was a very important asset in the team. With his lack of presence, he helped changing the game momentum. But of course as a basketball player, he isn't a great one.

Shuha: Oh I see... Then he is not someone you can take lightly then. Plus, I also heard that Seirin has an incredible ace. His skill was said to rival the Generations of Miracle. I suddenly felt nervous about this. What do you say?

Akashi:  Him? Don't worry much about about him. Though he may had entered the Zone, he  could never surpass me. Everything will be under my control.

Shuha: Oh, the Zone! Kise-kun told me about it before. He told me he had entered the Zone before and he felt like all his senses were ten times sharper. That must be cool though! Have you enter the Zone? Eh, what am I saying? Of course you had, right?

Akashi: Yes, I had entered the Zone before. All the Generations of Miracle had, except for Tetsuya. By the way, are you really that close with Ryouta?

Shuha: 'That close'? Haha sure he's such a good friend but we are not that close. But he is 'that close' with my bestfriend, Akira to which I'm silently shipping them both. Why do you ask?

Akashi: Nothing much. It's just because he knows many things about you.

Shuha: Eh, I'm sure it's because Akira told him about me a lot.  She used to be my admirer  though when we were in elementary school and she had always be there for me when I was upset.

Akashi: Well, that makes sense. And she sounds like a very dear friend to you. You are lucky.

Shuha: Don't say that. I'm sure your teammates are dear friends to you too especially the Generations of Miracle. You don't know how much Kise-kun admires you and the other Miracles. He talked a lot about his former teammates and I could tell he cherishes you guys. You are lucky too, you know.

       Akashi paused at the message. Dear friends, huh? Yes, the Generations of Miracles used to be his dear friends. They would eat lunch together and walk home together. They were like a bunch of inseparable rainbow-headed kids. But everything had changed. Ever since the Winter Cup last year, they barely meet each other. Everyone was busy sharpening their skills to face each other in the following Winter Cup. 

       He suddenly felt a lump in his throat. He missed his old teammates. He missed the times they spent together. Their victories, were something very precious. It only proved that they were such a good team. He suddenly hoped that he could go back to those times. But he couldn't. He was the one who wanted to be separated. He wanted this. 

      To that, he decided to retire to bed but not before sending good night message to Shuha. He needed to sleep earlier for the tournament tomorrow.

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