Chapter 11

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[Hey guys, I'm really sorry for the slow updates, and I'm sorry for this short chapter. Things have been kinda stressful lately. It was hard to write this chapter because it's kinda off the script? I hope the characters seem... well, in character. I promise the next chapter will be longer. Thank you all so much for the lovely comments you leave, they really brighten my day and encourage me to keep writing! I'm glad you all enjoy my story!]

Damien stood quickly and grabbed your hand again before you could leave. He looked panicked.

"I-I really don't think this is necessary. I mean, look what happened last time! You could get hurt again! Your life is more important than memories of a drunken night."

"I'll be fine, Damien. I appreciate your concern, though," you said, giving him a small smile and squeezing his hand.

"No!" he shouted.

You flinched away. You were surprised by his sudden change in behavior. Damien had never yelled at you before. Needless to say, you were a little afraid.

"What the hell?" you asked, getting a slightly angry yourself.

"If I didn't know better, I'd think you know about something you don't want her to remember, Mr. Mayor," said the detective, moving to protect you.

Damien suddenly seemed at a loss for words.

"I- well, um... can I please speak to you?" he finally asked. "Privately?"

"Of course," you responded.

The detective gave you a concerned look. You nodded to show you were okay and he reluctantly nodded back. You allowed Damien to lead you to another room. It looked like a fancy home theater. You would never stop being surprised by this house.

"What do you want, Damien?" You turned to him, trying your best not to seem annoyed or concerned.

He was staring at the floor, fidgeting with his cane and occasionally tapping on his leg. Nervous habits. You were afraid to interrupt his train of thought. It took him a while to say anything.

"There's some things that are best left forgotten," he said at last, looking up at you.

"Like what? Our friend is dead and I could have seen something! God knows nobody else wants to come forward," you sighed, becoming frustrated.

"There's nothing any of us can do about that."

"Something feels very wrong, Damien. Something horrible happened last night and someone had to see it. Hell, if I had any self control, we wouldn't be having this problem."

"None of this is your fault! There's no real reason you should have to go through that suffering again. And don't bother denying it," he said when he saw you open your mouth to argue. "I saw how much pain you were in after Celine did... whatever it was she did to you."

"I need to do this. If not for Mark, then for my own peace of mind. Nothing you say is going to change my mind."

"What you see could change your mind about everyone here." Damien sat down hard in one of the theater seats. He put his face in his hands. Then, to your surprise, he chuckled. "You're so damn stubborn. You know that, right?"

"So I've been told," you responded. You sat down in a seat next to his. "What am I going to see, Damien?"

"It's... not for me to say. Just know that William- the Colonel- is a great man. He's been my friend for many, many years and I trust him with my life. I promise you, you can trust him, too."

You wanted to push further and find out why he was telling you this, but you knew he could be just as stubborn as you sometimes. Instead, you stood to leave.

"All I know is I can trust you. And if you trust him, then that's good enough for me."

You started walking. However, before you could make it to the door, Damien called out.

"And (y/n)?"


"Please, never forget that I care about you very much. I hope... I hope you don't think differently of me after this."

This time, you were almost afraid to ask.

"I care about you, too. Nothing can change how I view you, my friend."

"We'll see," was all he said.

You almost changed your mind. You almost didn't go through with your plan. You almost gave up on the whole "investigation" right then and there. But you needed to know the truth. Your curiosity greatly outweighed your fear.

With your chin held high, you exited the room.

Nobody had moved from before. They all looked at you expectantly. You noticed the Colonel was still nowhere to be seen.

I trust Damien's judgement, you reminded yourself.

Before you could let doubt overtake you, you turned to Celine.

"I'm ready."

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