Chapter 12

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You allowed Celine to lead you up the stairs. Your hands were shaking, but you kept your face neutral. You were understandably nervous, considering what had happened last time.

In an attempt to distract yourself, you let your mind wander. You thought back to what Damien had said.

"Just know that William- the Colonel- is a great man. He's been my friend for many, many years and I trust him with my life. I promise you, you can trust him, too."

The Colonel seemed like a good enough man, albeit a little suspicious. He cared about his friends and he was very kind to you. The one thing that threw you off was how he kept disappearing. Where did he go? How did he managed to sneak by when everyone was on guard?

Your mind continued to wander and you thought again about what else Damien had said.

"Please, never forget that I care about you very much. I hope... I hope you don't think differently of me after this."

You had noticed he had been acting strange, but with everything going on, you hadn't given it much thought. Now, you were worried. What the hell was he talking about? The curiosity was almost overwhelming. You were scared, but you needed to know. You didn't think there was anything that could change your mind about him, but there was still that shadow of doubt. What had he done?

Suddenly, Celine stopped walking and spoke, interrupting your thoughts before you could stress yourself out too much.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" she asked.

You hadn't even noticed that you had arrived to the room. Looking around, you saw signs of some kind of altercation that had turned violent. A chair was upside down in a corner with dents in the wall above it, and you assumed it had been thrown. Candles have been knocked over and dried wax was splattered across the table. Cards were strewn around the room and a few looked like they had been torn. What kind of argument had Celine and Damien gotten into? You knew he had stayed behind after the detective carried you out of the room, but you hadn't heard any shouting. Then again, you had been pretty out of it. You decided not to question it. You had enough to worry about at the moment.

"Yeah, I'm sure," you answered, only with slight hesitation.

Celine looked doubtful.

"Alright. Please, take a seat." She pulled over another chair and went about lighting the remaining candles. In the back of your mind, you wondered how necessary they were to this... ritual.

You took a seat and wiped your sweaty hands on your pants. You had almost forgotten you were still wearing Damien's sweatpants.

"I hope you don't think differently of me after this."

You blinked and shook your head. You couldn't let yourself get distracted.

"Do you remember what to do?" Celine asked, holding out her hands.


You wiped your hands again before grabbing hers. Closing your eyes, you took a deep breath.

Just like last time, it wasn't long before you felt everything fade away. You wondered how she did that.

The ringing was back, but it was very very faint. You hoped it stayed that way.

When you opened your eyes, you saw the screen was also back. It started to play through what had happened throughout the day again, but you willed it to change. Most likely with the help of Celine, it worked. You felt a pull in your gut and the room started spinning. You squeezed your eyes shut and tried to think about what happened after you finished your first drink.

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