Chapter 20

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It felt as if you were floating. When you opened your eyes, the same pitch black was all you could see. A heartbeat echoed in the dark, and you had a horrible feeling that it wasn't yours.

You found yourself unable to react as a body suddenly hit the ground in front of you. You recognized the red robe, the messy hair...

Mark's body stared at you with black, empty eyes. Uncaring. Dead.

"It's not fair, isn't it?" it spoke. You knew it wasn't really Mark. It couldn't be.

It's form began to flicker like a dying light and before you could even blink, it was gone.

It wasn't too long before Celine stepped out of the darkness. A red glow surrounded her, like before. It didn't feel quite as threatening this time.

"He took everything from us," she said, staring at the spot where Mark's body had been. Her voice echoed, filling the space you were in. It seemed to grow darker and deeper as it repeated. "He trapped us in here with this broken shell and no way out. The whole time I thought it was the house, but..." she sighed. "I never thought he'd fall this far. I played right into his hands. He'd been planning this for years."

You had so many thoughts running through your head, so many uncertainties. You still couldn't move. You could only watch and listen.

"Look, I know you have questions. I can't answer everything right now. I just need you to know that Mark took everything from me- from us- in his twisted quest for vengeance. But death does not mean the same thing here."

Were you dead? Was that why you were in this place? What even was this place? Was Celine really dead, too?

"This doesn't have to be the end. You're trapped in here just the same as me, but your body is still out there."

You wanted to tell her to wait, to slow down, to let your mind catch up. You couldn't be dead. You hadn't felt any pain, you had just... fallen asleep for a few moments. You were fine, right?

"Mark's not the only one that can use this place to his benefit. The same way that he brought us here is the same way that I can send us back. But... you can't survive on your own, and neither can I. I'm sorry to say this, but you're dead, too. The Colonel saw to that."

This wasn't right. The contempt in her voice just didn't belong. She loved William, she knew none of this was his fault. She was on his side.

"He's dangerous now. I know this all sounds crazy, but you need to believe me. Just... let me in. We can fix this. Together. I won't force this on you. You have a choice here. Just know that this is the only way that you can escape."

No. No no no no this wasn't right.

"No." With your anger, your fear, your confusion, your doubt, you found your voice. Yes, it was quiet and weak, but it was still there.

Celine looked annoyed.

"No? Are you sure? You're giving up your only chance of living again."

"No," you said again, more forcefully. You started to gain more control of your actions. "I'm sorry, Celine, I truly am. But this isn't right. If I'm really dead, like you say, coming back isn't... it isn't natural."

Her eyes narrowed in anger. You flinched slightly, but still held your ground. You were growing more powerful in this place. You weren't sure if that was good or bad.

"You'll never see Damien again."

That one hit you hard. You felt a pain in your heart. You had finally, after years of waiting, gotten the man you loved. And by some miracle, he loved you back. Now you were going to lose it all. You would give almost anything to see him again. You swallowed the lump in your throat.

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