Chapter Five

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Her shoulders hurt, legs ached, and her muscles were tense. His grip was too tight against her body. Cato had her exactly where he wanted her, but Clove wasn't about to give up.

"Tap out sweetheart," Cato whispered into her ear.

"Screw you," Clove tried bucking her hips, but he wouldn't budge; he was like cement.

He hummed against her neck, the vibration sending anger through her. Clove clamped down on his forearm with her teeth and Cato shot her a look, pinning her head back down on the mat by her hair, "A biter? I would have never guessed you liked it so rough."

"Get off me," She hissed at him.

Cato smirked, licking his lips before releasing the girl. She shoved him off of her as hard as her arms could manage. When he rose to his feet, towering over her, he laughed, "Next time I won't let go so easy, little one."

Mr. Kent clapped his hands together, "Alright, that's enough," He offered a hand to Clove, but she brushed it off, standing up slowly.

It was lunch period, and Cato had begged Mr. Kent to let him and Clove into the gym for a warm-up that morning. At first, Mr. Kent refused saying that the gym was to be used for class time only, but Cato got him to cave when he worked up a hissy fit. Clove, on the other hand, was caught off guard. After showing up at the academy the day before, she felt a sudden sense of urgency overwhelm her when the question was brought up. Regardless, she accepted it, and here they stand, sweat dripping down their foreheads. Both of their chests rising and falling in quick succession.

Clove glanced at Cato, seeing the bandage on his cheek. It made her feel tough and in control, but the second her back was to the mat, it would vanish. Cato knew this and used it to his advantage. While Clove spoke with jarring words, Cato's forceful blows hurt more than a cruel comeback. Every time her small mouth would open and spit fire, he'd put it out with a blow to the nose. Her words were like her knives, one of her best weapons.

Cato noticed her gaze and raised his eyebrows, "Something interest you, Rivers?"

She rolled her eyes, "Go to hell."

"You still mad I told our teacher about your little talent?"

"I will break your teeth," Clove spat, stepping closer to him. Her hands were in fists at her side, eyes blazing into his.

Cato smirked, rubbing his jaw slowly, "All you do is spit out words that have no effect on me."

Her face was now inches from his, his blue eyes only infuriating her more. Especially when they crinkle up at her small nose twitch, "Stop talking."

"You two drive me mad," Mr. Kent sighs, crossing his arms. Although the scene was a wild watch, the two bantering back and forth was going nowhere, "Stop arguing and get changed. You both have classes in ten minutes."

Cato took two steps back and wiggled his fingers in her face, which she swatted away. When he was finally out of her sight, she turned to her teacher, cheeks flushed with rage, "I thought he couldn't train with other students."

"He can't."

"So why am I fighting him? What is the point in all this?" Her words were sharp, almost venomous. So much so that Mr. Kent stayed quiet thinking over his response before answering.

"He see's you as a threat."

"Good, he should."


"Are we done here?"

Mr. Kent pursed his lips together and nodded. Clove doesn't waste time heading towards the locker room, quickly stripping down from her gym attire and putting on the outfit she had worn to school; a t-shirt and tight jeans. Simple, but effective. Her white sneakers squeaked against the cold linoleum flooring as she stepped out into the hallway. She felt someone behind her and glanced over her shoulder at the blonde who runs a hand through his hair. He looks up and meets her gaze, but she quickly looks away, taking a sharp right into a classroom before he has time to open his mouth.

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