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"My name is Kendall. I am 16 years old. I live in Tennessee. I have a major concussion, but I will be okay," I repeated for the fourth time to the doctor.

"That's good. One more time," Dr. Alyssa stated.

I sighed, but I did as told. "My name is Kendall. I am 16 years old. I live in Tennessee. I have a major concussion, but I will be okay once I stop repeating this," I said changing the ending.

"Kendall," Alyssa scolded ,"we're trying to help you get better."

"I know," I said looking down at my feet.

"If you think that this is so unnecessary, then answer my question. Answer it correctly and we will not have to go through this anymore," the doctor said, giving me hope. I looked up at her awaiting the question. "What is your last name?"

"Johnson?" I questioned myself as I said it. Alyssa shook her head. "A-A," I started. The doctor looked up almost smiling. "Adams?" I finished. The smile went away.

"Anderson, Kendall. Your last name is Anderson." She informed me with such disappointment in her voice. She turned and walked to the door. "We will continue our normal routine adding something new everyday. Any questions? No? Okay." She closed the door and I heard her footsteps trail off in the hallway without allowing me to protest.

By this time, it was around noon, so I pulled the IV out of my arm and walked to the hospital cafeteria down the hall on the left. It wasn't full, but it was slightly packed with people all wearing the same, exact clothing. A typical, mint-colored hospital gown. I, however, had on the mint-colored, baggy hospital pants and a flowing black tank top. You could imagine the looks I received.

"Hey, girl! Come here!" A stranger yelled at me. The man motioned for me to sit in the chair next to him. The nurse behind him made a motion for me to ignore him and keep walking. Of course I didn't. I walked up to the man and he jumped up, pulling me into an extremely tight hug. The nurse tapped his arm and he let go. Then he just sat down and acted as if I were no longer there. The nurse stepped closer to me and leaned in next to my ear.

"Excuse him, please," she started. "He has total amnesia and that is quite rare in his case." I nodded and turned to go grab a piece of toast. As I walked, I noticed that I was receiving even more stares than before. I picked up my toast and walked back down the hall to my room. Room 214.

"Hey K!" A familiar voice shouted. Almost dropping my piece of toast, I opened the door completely. A tallish girl with light brown hair and green eyes stared at me. Her features kind of looked like mine except that I have blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Shhhh," scolded a woman who I believe is my mother, "she isn't going to remember you and we don't want to frighten her." She resembled me as well, but much older. "Hi, sweetie," she started. "We didn't mean to make you startled, but we came for a visit." She motioned to the other people in the room that I just now noticed.

There was a man whom walked over to stand behind my mom; I assumed that he was my father. There was a boy who looked older and taller than me, but other than that replicated me exactly. There was also a small, young girl who looked identical to myself as well. She hid half her body behind my mother and the other half was exposed and staring into my eyes.

I kneeled down and held out two arms for the child to come to me because I could see the fear glistening in her big, blue eyes. I wasn't exactly sure who she was, but I felt as though I was scaring her. "It's okay," I said moving slightly closer. She took a few steps toward me and when she was almost in my arms, she moved quickly and hugged me tightly. I hugged her back feeling her emotion in that embrace. She pulled away and scurried back next to my mom, holding her hand now instead of hiding.

I stood up, wondering who these people were. I decided to try my best guess. Understanding what I was about to do without me saying a word, the woman who looked like me stated, "Try your best. We won't be upset if you mess up a little." I nodded and began trying to find the names to go with their appearance. I couldn't, so I went with the status of what they were to me.

I pointed to the older man. "You are my dad." He nodded and smiled gently. I pointed to the woman still standing in front of him. "You are my mom." She smiled as well. I pointed to my older, taller, and male reflection of me. "You are my older brother?" I said also questioning it.

"Yes!" He said brightly. I looked beside him back to the girl with brown hair and green eyes still puzzled. She took notice of the pondering face I gave her and tried to help me out.

"My name starts with a 'K'. I'm your best friend. I'm your pretend sister, and I love you," she said jokingly, but also, I could tell that she truly meant the last part.

"K-K-Kylie?" I managed to get out.

"Yes! Yeah, it's me! You do remember!" She celebrated while jumping up and down. I nodded and smiled, moving on to the next person. Before I could, though, hands slipped around my waist and onto my hips. I turned around slowly remembering those movements. I had felt them before. Exactly the same way. A tall boy about my age stood there smiling. He had darkish brown hair in a semi-quiff style. He was very attractive.

"Hi, K," he said while planting a small kiss on my cheek. I know this boy, but I can't remember his name. I turned towards him, pointing at him with my finger on his chest and his arms still around me.

"You're my boyfriend?" I said smiling , anticipating the question that I already knew the answer to. He nodded and glanced downward at something behind me. I turned and saw my younger sister, Acelyn, standing by my mother still.

Wait. Did I just remember her perfectly? I did! I did! "Ace!" I exclaimed wrapping my arms around her and picking her up. She threw her arms around my neck squeezing very tightly for a six-year-old. "I remember!" I shout! "I remembered you! I love you!" I yelled with so much happiness and shock. She whispered in my ear "I love you too, Kendall.",

My Life as a TragedyWhere stories live. Discover now