Family Time

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A/N her body is goals😍

Shit shit shit I'm freaking out right now. Meeting your girlfriends family for the first time can be a bit nerve-racking especially if that family is the Jenner/Kardashian family. Yes model Kendall Jenner is my girlfriend of 5 months, I've never met anyone from her family and today is the day I am. I was pacing around the room in circles, it's a habit I do if I'm nervous or anxious with something. Ken on the other hand was trying to calm me down but nothing worked. "Baby you just need to chill" she tells me while grabbing a hold of my hands. "Chill? Ken I'm meeting your whole fucking family there's like 1 million people in your family and you want me to chill?" I tell her and sigh. She kisses my cheek and giggle "come on down over exaggerate" kendall says and sits me down on the couch. I groan and look at the ceiling my head filling up with all these thoughts what if they don't like me? What if they don't think I'm good enough for her? I get all these negative thoughts in my head until I feel soft lips press against my neck. "Baby I need you to calm down I promise they will love you, I'm the one who should be freaking out my family is crazy" ken tells me mumbling against my skin making me giggle. "Kenny that tickles stop" I say and push her off of me. "We need to get going or else they might think of some reasons why we are late y/n/n" ken says and I nod. I grab my keys and toss them to Kendall walking out of the door with her behind me locking the door. I get into the passengers side and turn the music on. Music has always calmed me down ever since I was a baby, 20 years later and it still helps with my anxiety. We found love by Rihanna comes on and i gasp. "Holy this song hasn't been on in forever" I fangirl over the song and start singing to the lyrics dancing in the car as well. Ken and I exchange a few glances from each other and we laugh the whole way there.

We finally arrive to kris' house and the music no longer helped me calm down this time it was all Kendall with her and her warm hands touching mine, feeling the electricity run through my veins just made me feel safe and at home. We both get out of the car and walk to the big door in front of the mansion. I take a deep breathe and feel kendall rubbing my back. She kisses my temple and smiles at me. "I love you" she says and I smile "love you too kenny" I say and hear footsteps coming closer to the door.

In no time the door swings open revealing a very happy kris Jenner behind her is Kylie. I gulp before I'm taken into a big hug by kris. "So your the y/n my kenny has been talking about these past months. It's good to finally meet you y/n" kris says and gives me a welcoming smile. "Thank you for having me ma'am the pleasure is all mine" I say and move over to Kylie while ken and her mother talk a bit. "Nice to meet you y/n ken has none Stop talked about you" she tells me and pulls me into another welcoming hug. "THank you Kylie it's nice to meet you ken don't stop talking about you either to be quite honest with you" I say and chuckle a bit. Kylie giggles and greets her sister. "Please call me kris ma'am is way to formal for our crazy family" kris tells me and I nod. Ken gets ahold of my hand again and we walk into the dining room.

Sitting there I see tyga, Khloe, Kim with her daughter and son as well as kourtney and Scott with their kids. They were all talking until we entered. "This is y/n my girlfriend" Kendall says and I'm immediately greeted by everyone. "I'm Kim it's so nice to meet you ken has told us wonderful things about you" she tells me and I smile. "Nice to meet you and that's all I've been hearing so far kenny non stop talking about me" I tell her and she laughs. I'm greeted by everyone else and we all sit down for dinner.

We socialize a bit getting to know each other better. "So y/n what do you do for a living?" Kourtney asks. "I'm a music artist it's kinda how kendall and I met actually" I saya Nd smile remembering the time we met. "Please Do explain how you met ken has never told us" Kim speaks up and I feel eyes on me.


I was in a club preforming a song my daily job. Once I finish I hear claps going all around and I walk off stage, I was walking over to the bar when I hit someone and spilt their drink all over them. "Oh shit I'm so sorry" I say and Look up at the person. Kendall Jenner standing front of my own eyes, beautifuler then I ever imagined someone could ever be. "N-no it's fine sorry I wasn't looking" she said and I smile. "Here come to the back I'll get you another shirt you can wear" I tell her and she nods. We go through the pile of sweaty bodies until we get or the back. I go into the quite room and get her another white shirt. "Uh here you are I'm truly sorry for ruining your shirt change and maybe I can buy you another drink?" I tell her and she shakes her head. "No you don't have to it's fine" she tells me and I chuckle. "Let me take it as a way of saying sorry" I tell the model and she smiles. "Thank you" she tells me and I nod. I walk out waiting for her to get changed. After a couple of minutes she walks out "so about that drink?" I ask her and she giggles. "Totally I'm kendall" she says and pulls her hand out. "Y/n nice to meet you" I say and the rest is history.

*End Of Flashback*

Everyone looks at us in awe and smiles. I feel a warm hand on my thigh making me relax a bit more. They were all so welcoming it was like I was a family member. I smile at ken and she gives me a kiss on the cheek. "See no need to worry they love you" she says and kisses my earlobe. I smile and look back at everyone else. We soon finish up our meals and bid our goodbyes. "It was nice meeting you all Thank you all for having me" I tell them all, ken and I walk out hand in hand to the car. Once we got into the car kendall spoke up. "I told you there was no need to worry they love you babe" she tells me and I kiss her. "I love you" I tell her and she smiles against my lips. "I love you too baby" she mumbles against my lips and drive back to the house.

A/N: This chapter sucked but I'm new at writing imagines so I will improve I promise😊 hope you all liked it though I tried all that matters.

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