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Guys I apologize for not posting yesterday I'm at someone's house for a few days and their internet sucks and it wouldn't let me upload this.

"Babyyy " I groan and slowly open my eyes. I see Kendall laying there looking at me with dog eyes.

"What's up sweetheart?" I say slowly getting up looking at the time.

"I want ice cream and pretzels please, I haven't been able to sleep and I'm craving them so much" Kendall starts whining looking like she is about to cry.

"Kenny it's 3 in the morn-""please" she says and kisses my cheek.

"Fine but I'm only doing it for the baby" I say and smile.

She smiles and looks down at her belly. I lean down and kiss her stomach "I love you baby girl"

I get up from the bed and change into some sweats with one of Kendall's t-shirts.

"I'll be back love" I yell when I get to the bottom of the stairs. "Be carful y/n/n" she tells me.

I get to the convenience store and pick up some vanilla ice cream and some pretzels.

"Very weird combination, must be pregnant cravings" I mumble.

I go to the counter and greet my friend. "Ah y/n how are you?" He asks me. "Tired but it's my duty since Kendall is pregnant" I say and laugh.

"How is she doing?" Joseph asks. "Good, she doing well" I say and put the food on the counter.

"Ice cream and pretzels? Really?" He says and checks them out.

"Not for me their for ken" I say and he nods.

Jospeh and I become very good friends over the 9 months of Kendall being pregnant. I came here almost every night to help Kendall with her cravings and he always works here.

"Here" He says giving me my bag without giving me a price. "Uh how much was it?" I ask.

"It on me, take it" He says and smiles. "Joseph no, I can't let you do that" I tell him and pull out a 20 and place it on the counter.

I get a call and say goodbye to him.

It's from Kendall. She never calls.

I pick up to hear her groaning "ken? Baby are you ok?" I ask and I hear her scream. "Y/n my w-water broke I'm having c-contractions" she tells me and my heart stopped.

It's actually happening, we are really having a baby together.

"U-Uh kendall I'm coming home" I says and hang up running to my car and speeding to get back home.

I get home and run up the stairs seeing Kendall clenching her stomach.

"It's coming!" She screams, I carry her putting her in the car.

I start speeding, I know it wasn't the safest but at that moment I was panicking.

We get to the hospital and I run in through the doors and a nurse sees me and brings Kendall to a room.

The doctors come in and start helping Kendall get the baby out.

I let her take my hand and the doctors tell her to push.

While she is groaning in pain I also try not to scream, god damn she has a strong grip.

In a few minutes the baby is out and crying. Kendall lets go of my hand and my hand is purple, but I could care less at that point I just wanted to see my babygirl.

I kiss Kendall and the doctor gave Kendall our baby girl.

I couldn't hold my tears in any longer and I start crying. Kendall is too. She gives me that baby and I smile looking at her.

"Hi baby girl, it's nice to finally meet you. I'm your mommy" I say rocking her back and fourth.

I look at Kendall and mouth "I love you" she smiles and wipes her tears.

I give the baby back to Kendall kissing her head.

"Do you guys have a name for her yet?" The nurse asks and we both nod.

"Paris Dawn Y/L/N" Kendall says and I smile.

Kinda short and I apologize I'm trying to write more.

But besides that thank you 🙏🏼 @ItsaJennerThing for requesting!

Be sure to comment requests or message me. Also for my celeb imagines book tell me who you guys would like in the book.

Last thing I promise, I am making a Zayn imagines book as well. I wouldn't mind taking suggestions as to what you guys want in that book too.

KJ (Kendall Jenner) Imagines (Requests closed)Where stories live. Discover now