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Y/Ns Pov

I was attending the MET gala with my friend Hailey Baldwin. We have a touchy relationship it's always been like that since day one, it wasn't in a flirty kinda relationship it was more of a friendly touchy relationship.

I would never in a millions want to go out on a date with Hailey sure she is attractive and all but I only have eyes for one person, Kendall Jenner.

In fact Kendall and I are friends, we met at Hailey's 20th birthday party so about 1 year ago we immediately clicked and became besties. Even before we met I was crushing on the model hard. So hard it hurt my heart a bit she would never want to date me.

All of my friends knew I had a thing for Ken but no one ever dared to tell the girl. They told me she had a thing for me too but I never believed them she's straight as a motherfuckin stripper pole (<— that's pretty straight huh) and I'm as straight as a fruit loop. (Fun fact fruit loops aren't straight 😂, I'll stop...)


I was getting ready at Hailey's since we both had no one to go with management put us together as a date, there were rumours going around that we had a thing with each other, this is going to make people go crazy.

I get up from her couch and walk go upstairs, Haileys in her underwear but it was fine were models seeing each other is a normal thing for us. "When is your tuxedo getting here y/n/n?" She asked me while rummaging through her closet. "About 2 So soon I hope I'm getting impatient not being able to see how it fits on me" I tell her and she stops in her bare tracks, turns around and looks at me wide eyed. "You haven't seen your tux yet and the MET gala is tonight!" She says and I nod my head in confusion. "My stylist picked it out for me, what's the big deal?" I say and take a seat on the bed.

"What if you don't like it?" She asks and I shrug. "Oh well I'll find a way to make it look hot on me" I say and she giggles. "Won't have to try to hard then" Hailey tells me and takes her dress out. I chuckle "watch that mouth baldwin" she laughs even more and shows me the dress. "Yo Hails this dress is gonna look fire on you" I say and she smiles. "Thanks" as soon as she says that I hear the doorbell ring and we quickly run downstairs, me being me almost tripping and falling down the stairs.

We reach the door and see my stylist coming in with a box. I grab the box and run upstairs "thanks ally!" I yell and lock the bathroom door. "Hello to you too y/n" I faintly hear causing me to laugh. I open the box and wow that tux was so fucking fine.

I put it on and gasp, it's so perfect and fits me perfectly

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I put it on and gasp, it's so perfect and fits me perfectly. I run downstairs hoping not to trip and the 2 lovely girls stop talking and gasp as they turn around. "Oh my fucking god you look so hot, I'm real happy people think I get to tap dat ass" Hailey says making both of us laugh. "Thank you Hails and Thank you ally your so good at this job I love it" I tell her and attack her with a hug. " I know I'm the best at this but if you want me to keep on doing what I do I suggest you let go before I die" she tells me and I quickly let go. "Sorry" I say and rub the back of neck.

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