Jealousy pt 2

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We arrived at the party and all I could think about was Kendall. I wasn't having any fun at all, I just wanted to go home and cry. I don't know why I wanted to cry maybe it was the drinks but I was having major mood swings.

"Y/n come on let's dance" Hailey said with a little wink at the end. I couldn't say no and grabbed her hand.

As we were on the dance floor I could spot Kendall making out with rocky making me angry jealous and sad at the same time.

I look at Hailey and crash my lips onto her making her moan. We keep on kissing until she spotted me and brought me to a couch sitting me down and sitting onto Of me going back to our make out session.

It felt nice, something I've never felt before with anyone. I grabbed her ass making her moan again louder, and I totally lost connection with reality because I wanted to rip her clothes off right there and then but I stopped kissing her making Hailey work on my neck.

"H-Hailey" I barley get out before she stops and looks at me. "Mhmm?" She says looking at me biting her lip and touching my chest. "We uh w-we" I say not being able to get anything out.

"Let's go back to my place and finish what you started?" She asks and I look over seeing Kendall still on top of rocky looking over at me and shooting a dark glare towards Hailey.

"Yea totally" I say making her get up going towards everyone.

"Y/n/n and I are going to go back to my place" Hailey said making Kendall stop and look at us.

"Oh is that so? Why?" Gigi says smirking.

"We have some business to take care of, dont we y/n?" She says looking at me.

I nod looking at Kendall making her look away.

"Well have fun" Zayn says winking at me.

Hailey grabs my hand pulling me out of the night club.

She had a driver waiting for us outside.

"What about my car?" I ask her getting into the car.

"Shhh I have that covered" she says closing the door.

The driver opens up a little window leading to the backseats. "Hello ms Baldwin where to tonight?" He asks

"My house Henry please" she says and he closes the little window.

"You know the backseats sound proof and the driver can't open the window unless I unlock it" she says licking her lips turning me on just a tad.

"What about the windows people will see us Hailey" I say and she shakes her head. With a touch of a button the window turns black and I could barley see anything.

"Now they won't" she says grabbing my member making me jump a little.
(I wanted to make it so y/n is g!p)

"Hails" I say moaning.

She starts rubbing her hand over my pants coming closer to me ear she says "take them off"

I look at her in shock but do as she says. I open the zipper of my pants and she grabs my member pulling it out of my boxers.

"Fuck..." I mumble.

"Your so big" she says putting it into her mouth making me gasp and moan.

I grab her hair making her go up and down faster.

Hailey was going at it for about 10 minutes before the driver knocks on the window.

Hailey pops my member out of her mouth cleaning her mouth a little and me pulling up my pants she opens the small window.

"We are here" the driver says and she nods.

I notice that you can see a pattern over my pants and Hailey also notices. She gets out first and she hides me behind her and we walk into the lobby. She grabs my hand leading me into the elevator.

We go in and she drops her purse making her lean down and she picks it up back into me making me gulp.

The elevator gets to her floor and we go into her apartment.

After we went to her bedroom everything became blurry.

I wake up laying down beside Hailey naked.

I freak out not remembering what happened. I guess I moved and she also woke up. "Morning" she says and then realizing last nights remarks making her face go red.

"U-um y/n/n I'm sorry about last night I was wasted" she says pulling a hoodie over herself.

"I know Hailey. I was too don't tell anyone about this?" I say grabbing my head.

She nods. We both get dressed and I was walking to the kitchen I see a used condom and I sigh in relief at least I didn't get her pregnant I think to myself.

I go to the living room and see Kendall, bella and Gigi.

"Um hi?" I say to all of them.

They all say hello as I sit down on a couch.

"What did you and Hailey do last night?" Kendall asks. "We- uh we- I get cut off by Hailey "we were watching some movies" she says making me nod.

"Homemade ones I bet" Kendall says under her breathe making both of our faces go red.

"Anyways do you guys wanna go out for dinner later tonight?" Bella asks and I nod.

"I'm down" Hailey says and Bella smiles. "Ok perfect my place at 8" she says.

"I better get going back home" I and get up. Hailey follows me to the door gives me a big hug. "I'm sorry about last night again" she says and I give her a reassuring smile "don't worry about it baldy, it was fun" I say giving her a small peck on her forehead.

"Can't get enough of each other can you?" Kendall says in a pissed off tone.

"I'm riding with you y/n I need a ride" she says and I nod.

(Ok idfk what this chapter was but a lot of you guys wanted a second part so I made one (finally) this part was more of a hailey and y/n moment but next chapter will be a kendall and y/n one for sure, I might make like 2 more parts or something like that) let me know what you guys thought of this chapter

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