Chapter 18

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Oberon's pov 

"Dammit, kid. Why didn't you just tell me you were about to, you know, practically-die." I grumbled under my breath, carrying Ima over my shoulder as I trudged towards The Land of Waves. I'm lucky she's so small or I don't think I'd be able to carry her. It's not that I wouldn't be strong enough, but she already dwarfs my body with hers as is. It's like a five year old trying to lug their twelve year old brother around. It just... it really doesn't work unless one of them is a mutant.

Ima was covered in sweat, and shaking like crazy. I don't think she has a fever, but it's sort of hard to tell because I've never really felt someone's forehead when they've had a fever. Her skin is hot, but she's shivering as though she's cold, and tries to shift in ways that would definitely cover her more. It's almost like she's... like she's suffering from withdrawal, but from what? The air in Her Wilderness, or something else? It has to be related from her home. Something that it had that she doesn't now.

I spotted a house on the water and sped up slightly, Ima held high above my head almost like a trophy. I trudged through the grass, glad she'd put her hair up because if she hadn't, I have no doubts that I'd be tripping over it. I mean, I don't think the girl has ever had a haircut in her life. But because of her imagination powers, or something like that, her hair always seems perfectly healthy!

That or she uses some really, really good ass shampoo and conditioner. 

"Hello?!" I called, knocking on the door the best I could with my hoof. I wobbled slightly, nearly losing my balance. Ima let out a pained groan, as though I'd just jostled a broken bone, or as if she'd been kicked in the stomach. The sound made me feel frantic, and desperate. It made me feel... scared, and I really don't like feelin' scared all that much.

I was seconds away from kicked the door down myself when it slid open, revealing a woman with long, black hair and coal eyes that reminded me a little of Sasuke's, although they didn't have that silverish gleam to them. Her eyes widened at the sight of me and the shivering Ima, who was paler than a sheet of paper at this point. I winced slightly, hoping and praying she didn't slam the door.

"My... My friend and I are a traveling act! I'm a midget who wears goat pants and she's amazing at gymnastics! U-Uh, she's sick or something, and-" Why do I suck at lying all of a sudden? I was definitely good at it before, no doubt about that. The woman cut me off, thank God. Even if she turns us away I'll be grateful that I didn't have to suffer and embarrass myself any longer. Not even ten seconds of speaking and I was already horrified with myself.

"Come in, come in. She looks terrible!" The woman stepped aside, ushering us in. Alright, so she's either really nice, or a murderer. "My name is Tsunami. Come on, set your friend down here."

...My money is on murderer, unless she's got a reasonably-normal son.

Third person pov

Sasuke showed up that day looking dead, and drained of energy. The aura he was giving off was dark, but not in a dangerous way. More in gloomy, really depressing sort of way. Even his fangirls avoided talking to him, instead staring at him with worried and mildly-freaked out expressions. Sasuke was normally broody, but this... this was down right emotional pain.

"Sasuke, are you sure you can do this?" Iruka asked as the boy, his posture slouching, walked into the room where he was meant to make his clones. Sasuke ignored him completely, the bags under his eyes more prominent that Iruka had ever seen them. He put his hands together, and formed the hand signs for the clone jutsu with ease despite his tired and beat down appearance.

"Clone jutsu." Sasuke drawled in a low, tired, sad voice. Three clones, perfect illusions, popped up at his side. Iruka and Mizuki were both silent, staring at Sasuke as they tried to come up for a reason for his mood. The anniversary for his clan's death wasn't all that close, and as far as they knew, nothing had happened.

"...Good job, Sasuke. Come pick a-" Sasuke swiped a headband and was gone before Iruka could finish. 

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