Chapter 11: Healing

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The blue and red lights grew closer and brighter. The blistering sirens that pounded at my ears grew louder. It felt as if time slowed. Vehicles passed by slowly and voices faded as I stared at his face. The skin that I once saw so much beauty in, grew colorless and cool. The lips that I found so kissable were now a pale shade of blue. I looked over at Greyson who finally sat up, looking dazed and shaken. The clean white shirt that he wore was now stained with blood. I sent him a look of worry and in return, he managed to send me a reassuring smile that sent a wave a relief through me. The cold autumn breeze whispered through the trees and fluttered past my face in soft gusts as the EMTs came to take them away. This is my fault. I'm so sorry...


Beep... Beep...Beep...Beep

His heartbeat was slow and steady. The machine's beeps kept me awake as every irregularity in pulse made me jump. Seeing him like this... his head all bandaged and his skin so pale broke my heart in two. I picked up his hand and held it, even though it had no weight to it and he didn't grip it back. I grabbed my phone for the first time in hours to 12 missed calls from my mom, 2 messages from Annelie, and 1 missed call along with a message from Liam. I quickly responded to my mom, explaining the situation. I did the same with Annelie. Liam, however, I ignored. I still felt pretty guilty about what happened. I just can't bring my self to speak to him. Not now at least.


    I didn't realize that I had fell asleep, so when the door opened and the nurse came in, I jumped awake. She came in and checked his IV and his heart monitor, then slowly turned his head to see if he bled through his bandages. She then quickly scribbled something on her clipboard, eventually realizing that I was watching her.

Nurse: " Hello, are you alright Miss?". She asked, looking up from her clipboard.

Y/N: " Uh yeah, of course, just a bit tired." I said perking up, then immediately looking to Dallas, who was still unconscious. The nurse noticed me staring at him.

Nurse: " Boyfriend?".

Y/N: " Oh.. no. He's just umm.. a really close friend of mine." She nodded.

Nurse: " Well Mr. Winston is doing surprisingly well considering the injuries he's sustained. His surgery was a success, the bleeding was stopped, and he could be waking up any day now". She said with a smile. I breathed a sigh of relief when I heard her say that. I couldn't stand seeing him like that anymore. " You should definitely go home and get some sleep though. I'll be sure to update you Miss". I agreed and proceeded to gather my things. I took one last look at Dallas and the nurse, then slowly shut the door. Down the hall in the waiting room, I saw Greyson sitting in a chair with an ice pack on his head and bandages covering the wounds on his face. I walked up closer to him and he perked up. Up close, I could see the stitches on his lip and the staples holding the wound on his forehead together. I sat next to him.

Y/N: " Jeez, you're looking pretty rough there tiger".

Greyson: " How is he?". He said, ignoring my comment.

Y/N: " Nurse said he should be waking up any day now. And she'll keep me updated." He sighed. " So what did the doctor say about you?"

Greyson: " Nothing too serious. Just a couple bumps and bruises".

Y/N: " Thats definitely putting it very lightly. I mean look at you, Grey." I said, raising my finger to touch his forehead. He hissed. "Shit I'm so stupid, I'm sorry". I looked into his eyes. I could tell that he was hurting. Not just because of his cuts, it was something different. It's obviously Dallas. I mean that's his best friend of course. He looked so defeated. And just overall drained. He caught me staring and waved his hand in front of my face.

Greyson: " Helloo. Did you hear what I said?"

Y/N: " Im sorry, repeat that".

Greyson: " I said I'm gonna walk back to the Cafe and get my car. It's not that far of a walk. Maybe 15 minutes. I can drive you home." He insisted. I nodded and we left the hospital.

After we found his car, he drove me home. The car ride was silent. I think we were both thinking about what happened that night. It was tough seeing Greyson like that. Even though I hardly knew him, I just knew I could trust him. We pulled up in front of my house and he parked the car. " This is you right?" He asked, looking at the house.

Y/N: "Yeah". I gathered my things together.

Greyson: " You live next to him too? Now that's just weird". We both managed to let out a laugh. I looked at him and he looked back at me and smiled.

Y/N: "Thank you Grey, for everything". I squeezed his hand before opening the car door and stepping out.

Greyson: "No problem kid". He winked at me before driving off. It was officially 3:30 in the morning and I was done.
I crept around my house to the back door and slid inside, making as little noise as possible. When I got to my room, I face planted into my bed. I began shut my eyes when I heard one tap after the other on my window. What the hell? I moved my curtains to see Liam below my window, signaling to come down.

Y/N: " Fucking hell". I slowly went back outside and approached him. When he saw me, he wrapped me up in his arms, tightly, slightly picking me up off the ground.

Liam: " Oh my god, I'm so glad you're alright. You've been ignoring me all night. I was worried sick about you". He looked me up and down and his eyebrows furrowed slightly. "What the hell happened? Did he hurt you?". He almost began to yell. " I'll kill that son of a bi-". I shook him quickly and shushed him.

Y/N: " It's not my blood Liam, it's his.." I stared at the ground. His expression fell as mine did. All the events that occurred began flooding back in mounds and I couldn't help but cry. He pulled me close to his chest and held me there. He rocked me subtly and ran his fingers through my hair.

Liam: " I'm sorry I wasn't here Y/N," he kissed my forehead. " I'm sorry".

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