Final Update

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Hi, everyone!

It has been a crazy long time and I've grown so so so much since the last time that I updated this story. I come back and read it every once in a while and I can definitely see that my writing style has changed a lot, definitely for the better of course. 

While I will always have a soft spot for my first ever published story on here, I've decided that, sadly, I have no plans as of right now to finish this story. I feel like, in a way, I've matured passed this book, and I have nothing left to contribute to it anymore. I do, however, have another story that I have been working on for a bit, on and off. I feel as though it is more grown up in a way and definitely more serious. I hope to get back into the swing of my writing as I learn to balance all the things that come with adulthood. 

Thank you to anyone who actually cared to keep up with this story haha. I hope to see you guys reading my next book! 

Much love x,


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