Ch. 5- Drunk

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"Don't call me that." I say as we walk into the food joint. 

"It was a joke. Did you not see my eye roll?" She rolled her eyes again. Like I needed a demonstration. 

"No, I didn't actually." 

"Can we just get food now? Then let's make like a ball and bounce. I am in need of sleep after the cold water. It was much better and more refreshing than a cold shower, I can tell you that." 

Her Northern accent was absolutely hilarious at the end of talking before she ordered. It was like when she said, "coat" or "cake". Never have I ever kept my laughter in when I hear those words. 

We sat at a table near the counter after ordering; something we never do. She must be really tired. 

"I am pooped." This was said with extremely adorable pouty lips. 

"I can tell, you look horrid." 

"Shut up. I always look fab." Hair flip; please stop, you're embarassing yourself. 

"Oh right, I forgot you're Beyoncé." Yet another eye roll during our time together. 

"Damn right I am." Her arms crossed over her chest, "Peasant...They need to hurry up. The Queen is starving."

I couldn't help but notice her features in this lighting. It was horrible, worse than school. She looked tired, yet quite beautiful at the same time. Her blinks became longer each time and more frequent. Eventually, she closed her eyes for a few minutes while resting her head on her crossed arms that were laying lazily across the table. 

We picked up our order after getting yelled at by the owner for coming just before closing. Walking out, she nearly fell over the step because of her tired clumsiness. 

"You're drunk, you should go home." I chuckled while steadying her. 

"Shut up, you're drunk. You're the one that almost fell on their stupid face."

She swayed unevenly on the grass and cement. Her tongue stuck out of her mouth teasing me, for no reason at all. 

"Actually, that was the mess of this friendship." My smug smile wouldn't get off of my face no matter how hard I tried. 

"Shit, so it was me?"

"Yeah, you're drunk." 

"Am not!" Now she had a kiddish tone in her voice and that needed to stop immediately. 

"Yes you are. Let's go. Don't drop the food." I was getting ready to carry her to my house. 

"I'll try my best, sir." She did a slouchy salute and opened her arms so I could pick her up. 

"Alright, let's not talk until we get home." Already, I was exhausted. This was making me physically tired. Thank god I live only a few blocks away. 

"Wait, where are we going?" There were arms across my chest slowly inching towards my throat. I made her jump and pushed her back up. 

"To my house. You live too far away." I said with a hard-working groan in the back of my mouth. She didn't weigh much, but I am not the strongest. 

"My family will freak. They already think we're dating." She readjusted again. 

"Tell them you're staying at Steph's or something."

"Okay. I'll tell her to text them." She drops to the ground to get her phone out of her pocket and hands me the food. Even using both of her hands, she keeps messing up and I had to dial it for her. 


"Hey boo...sorry, my phone was upside down." My palm hits my forehead. *Could've had a V8*

"Well, I'm drunk and staying at his house."

All I heard was screaming, I guess Steph was not all for the idea. 

"Not literally drunk. Just overtired, that's all. Nothing will happen anyways. He's on the top level and I'm on the bottom. He won't try anything, he knows I'll beat the shit out of him if he does." 

Even if she was just on the phone, I could still see her relax and roll her eyes. 

"I will. But can you tell my mom that I'm staying at your house? Pleeeaaasssee? I don't want to get into deeper shit with her." Steph must be too tired to argue. "Thanks booboo. YOU DAH BEST!" she hung up and put it back in her pocket and grabbed the food again. 

"It's all good." both thumbs were put up and she looked high as fuck. 


The rest of the walk/ride consisted of her saying pointless and meaningless things. Also, bursts of "Build Me Up"  occured too often. 

We finally made it to my house and the cars were gone. Thank goodness, that would not make her look good. 

As I searched for my keys in my bag, I saw headlights turn on my street. When I looked up I saw my brother's truck stop in front of the house and he parked horribly. Who else would it be? Who else would have this shitty of timing?

He locked the "ratchet-mobile" and came up the walkway, stopping right in front of her. What a douche. 

"Hey babe."

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