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Includes harsh content

Eddie woke with a start and found Sonia standing near his bed, smiling down at him. Everything about it made him uncomfortable.

"Hello dear." She said in a soft voice. "I called the principal and got you to start sophomore year in two days," she continued "tomorrow he'll show you the school and get you your books" and with that she started towards the door.

"Oh and there's an outfit I picked out for you, you have a doctors appointment  in an hour so don't go back to sleep" she said still smiling.

Doctors appointment? Eddie thought to himself as he walked to the outfit Sonia picked out for him.

"Oh god." Eddie said out loud as he said what she picked for him, it was a pink polo and yellow athletic shorts this time. Why couldn't Eddie just wear his own clothes, he liked them very much In fact, but he didn't wanna find out what would happen if he walked down the stairs wearing a Metallica ripped shirt and his pair of black ripped jeans.

He changed into the painfully bright clothing and grabbed his phone and headed downstairs. There was breakfast laid out on the table in the kitchen, pancakes and eggs.

"Oh, hm I don't usually eat breakfast haha" Eddie said, remember Frank hitting him the last time he tried to "waste" food on eating breakfast.

"No, you need to have breakfast, please . Sit down and eat." She said with a slight urgency in her voice. Eddie walked to the table and sat down and began to eat.

Once he was done Sonia walked him to the car and drove him to the doctors appointment he had.

"So how come I have this appointment?" Eddie asked once he got into the car.

"Oh well, we need files for the new school and it's always important to go to the doctor of course." She said and that was that.

They were waiting in the doctors office shortly after their conversation and the doctor stepped in wearing a white coat.

"Hello, Edward, how are you doing today?" He asked with too much smile. It seemed fake somehow.

"Um.. Fine." Eddie whispered as he cringed at someone using his full name. The doctor was old and had all grey hair and wore a smile that showed he was trying too hard.

The doctor gave Eddie an eye exam and then proceeded to measure all his limbs like he was getting fitted for a suit. The boy couldn't see the slightest in how this was at all necessary. The doctor left and Eddie thought he did pretty well, until he saw Sonia's expression.

Sonia walked in looking almost in tears, and Eddie began to sweat immediately.
What could be wrong? Could I have been permanently damaged from all the fights I've gotten into?

Sonia was followed by the doctor who read off a list of medications that seemed long and had complicated names that Eddie couldn't remember. They then proceeded to hand Mrs. K a list of prescriptions and different forms. They both had neglected to tell Eddie what the fuck was going on. It was like he wasn't even there, he had no say at all.

Sonia quickly grabbed Eddie by the wrist and pulled him off his seat forcibly.

"Come on Edward we have to go pick up these medications now" she said but that still did not clear up anything.

"What medications? What's going on? I feel fine really." The boy said but he did not sound convincing.

"Oh honey, it's okay, Frank wasn't ever the one to care about these things but I'll fix you dear, I'll fix you." Sonia said but her words felt wrong to Eddie, they made him shiver.

Fix me?
They arrived at the pharmacies and left with about 20 different pill bottles, an inhaler, and a pair of glasses.
"You know I don't have asthma right? And I can see fine, really." The boy told Sonia.

"No dear, you had asthma when you were a baby and Frank neglected that. But don't worry you have an inhaler now. And the doctor said your eyesight was a bit off, and he listed a couple other things that I needed to get you so you can stay heathy." She said as she started the car, but none of it sounded real. Asthma? Bad eyesight? Since when?

Eddie decided not to try and argue with the woman, if the doctor said I needed it then maybe I did. What am I to say, I don't have a medical degree.

Once they got home Sonia laid out the millions of pills and organized them into times and days. It seemed there way too many pills for the small boy to take. There were pink ones and red ones and large blue ones and it all seemed very unnecessary.

"You'll start taking these tomorrow, okay?" She asked Eddie, looking at him with begging eyes.

"Alright." Eddie said, and she proceeded to hand him the inhaler and a pair of ugly thick rimmed glasses.

"And use these when you need em." She told him smiling. "Don't worry, you're ok now, these will help fix you dear."

And there was that phrase again, he hated how she said those words . Fix him. Like he wasn't already okay.


Eddie woke up sweating as the alarm rang at 6:30 am.
Great. First day of school, again.

Eddie hated school, hated the people, the terribly ignorant teachers, and the boring subjects. It was all pointless.

Sonia laid out a new outfit for him and he began to sweat again, oh god he thought I cant wear an outfit like this to school.

Eddie didn't want to upset his mother but he could not wear these bright clothes to his first day of school. He walked over to his own bag and pulled out a clean black shirt and pair of ripped jeans. Maybe she'll be okay with this.

Eddie hopped down the stairs and turned towards the kitchen. Mrs.k immediately noticed he wasn't wearing her outfit.

"Hey, is it cool if I wear these for the first day?" Eddie asked, getting increasingly nervous with each word.

"I.. Guess" she said with her lips drawn into a thin line, making Eddie even more nervous.
After eating they jumped into the car and drove to school.

As they approached the small brick school with the faded sign saying Derry high school Eddie wanted to go back and sleep in his bed. Anything but this.

They walked around the school as Eddie got horrible stares from random people, the looks all saying the same thing " who is this kid?"

Eddie passed a group of kids and heard one say "hey is that a new kid?" And heard another kid respond "hey! Ben, you won't be the new kid anymore haha!" And Eddie immediately knew he would only be considered the new kid tomorrow.

He already hated this school.

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