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Includes harsh content
Haha sorry for this sad ass chapter comin up

Sonia opened the door without knocking to see two boys kissing on eddies bedroom floor.

Eddie and Richie didn't seem to hear the door open, they were too distracted by each other. But they definitely heard Sonia scream.

"Edward?! Edward what are you doing?! What are you doing?!" She screamed at the top of her lungs as Eddie broke into a sweat and Richie jumped off Eddie and looked from Sonia to Eddie in shock.

"Answer me Edward! Answer me right now!" She shouted again, Eddie didn't know what to say. There was no lie that could cover this up.

"Erm.." The boy managed to get out.

"Answer me right now!" She screamed.

"Mrs. Kaspbra-" Richie started to say, trying to make the situation less awkward.

"Not a word from you boy, get out of my house! Get out and don't come back, and don't even think for a second Eddie will be seeing you again!" She screamed, dismissing Richie completely.

Richie looked from Eddie to Sonia, unsure of what to do.

"Sonia, please stop yelling," Eddie finally said.

"Get out of my house!" Sonia just kept yelling at Richie. Richie looked at Eddie and saw fear in his eyes.

"Mom, please," Eddie pleaded.

"Get out or I will call the police!" She shouted at Richie and Richie stood up and moved to the door, knowing Sonia wasn't joking.

Richie exited the room and was about to say something when Sonia slammed the door shut in his face and locked it. The boy was cut off from his Eddie, and Eddie was locked in a room with his psychotic mother.

Richie heard screams of "tell me what's going on!" And "have you been taking your pills?!"

Richie ran frantically through the house, completely unsure of what to do. He decided on going outside to his truck and was gonna wait for Eddie. Hoping Eddie would be able to escape.

Eddie stood in fear in his bedroom, Sonia cornering him and still shouting.

"What were you doing with that boy Edward?!" She yelled and Eddie took a step back, she took a step forward.

"I'm s-s-sorry s-Sonia," the crying boy whispered as his teeth chattered.

"How could you Edward?!" She yelled, backing Eddie into a corner. The boy looked up at her menacing eyes and he ducked down and scooted out from behind her. He now stood in the center of the room.

"Sonia.." Eddie tried to get out, but he couldn't seem to say anything. He was choked up.

"How could you do that to me." She spat at Eddie and she ran up to him and towered over the boy.

"It's not that big of a deal" Eddie finally said, feeling as she was going too far. But that was the last thing he should have said.

The large woman took a step closer to Eddie, now practically pressing on him, and she yelled
"You're disgusting Edward!"

Eddie looked at her in disbelief and seeing his eyes, Sonia gave him a hard shove, knocking the boy off balance.

Eddie hit the ground with a thud and a groan escaped his lips.

"How could you do that to our family?! You're sick Edward! Sick!" She shouted even louder and Eddie scooted backward, still laying on the ground in utter disbelief.

Sonia walked up to the small shaking boy and grabbed his arm and pulled him up, sinking her nails into his skin. He winced but didn't dare say something.

"You need help Edward." She said in a quiet tone, making the situation even more terrible. She released eddies arm with a shove and he could feel the places where her nails made him bleed.

"You're sick Edward.." She said as she walked to the door. She opened it and before leaving him she said "you're grounded." And slammed the door shut.

"I'm not sick..." The boy whispered to himself, he collapsed onto the bed with eyes still in shock, staring at the door. Tears streamed down his face now. He curled up into a ball and clenched his fists as new tears replaced the dried ones.

Eddie stood up, wiped tears off his face, and reached for his phone. Quickly typing "meet me at park at 2 am" and sending it to Richie. He dropped the phone and slumped against his bed, pulling his knees to his chest.

Looking at his arms, he could still see the nail marks and tiny bruises that started to form, he hated it. Hated her.

That's when he heard Sonia yelling at someone.

"He's sick! He needs help doctor!"

She was on the phone.

"He's sick! He thinks he likes boys." She yelled into the phone and Eddie felt rage like he never felt before. He pulled his knees tighter to his chest and squeezed his eyes shut and tried to ignore her shouts to the doctor as the boy sobbed silently.

Eddie sat on his bedroom floor, clutching his knees, waiting for the clock to read 2:00 am. He would sometimes randomly break out into tears and couldn't stop it. Sometimes he would feel as if he was about to puke again.

This went on for what felt like days when the clock finally told Eddie it was 2. Being carful not to make a sound, the boy threw on a long sleeve shirt to cover his arm, grabbed a pack of cigarettes, a flask full of liquor, and hopped out the window.

The boy ran, not caring about the burning in his lungs that told him to stop. He ran for what felt like miles when he finally saw the parc come into view. Eddie saw Richies truck parked in the grass.

The boy ran to the truck and hopped in the passengers side. Richie jumped and then smiled as he saw a sweaty panting Eddie look at him.

"Eds, hey.." Richie said to him.

"Hey...I'm so s-sorry about today," he panted out.

"You're sorry? Eds that was all on me, I should have never barged into your house like that. It's all my fault that Sonia found out.." Richie stated looking like he was going to cry. Come to think of it, Richies face looked as if he had been crying since he left eddies house. His eyes were puffy and red and his cheeks were shiny.

Eddie placed his hand on Richies face and wiped away the new tears.

"Richie, never in a million years would I blame you. For anything." The boy said, feeling his heart lighten. It was as if they were living in a perfect world when they were alone. Like nothing else mattered.

"So.. What happened.." Richie asked.

"She told me I was sick, and that I was disgusting..." Eddie said, looking down.

"God, What a fucking bitch," the boy responded.

"I don't think I'm ever gonna get ungrounded rich, it looks really bad this time."

Richie frowned, he didn't want to spend time with anyone else than Eddie, and knowing he was grounded once again made his heart hurt.

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