Chapter 21

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"So whats up?" He asked. I took a deep breath and let it out.

"I like you..." I whispered.

"You dont remember me. How can you know that?" He asked. I bit my lip.

"Because I lied, Stefan. I remember you. Your the only person I remember from before the whole amnsesia thing happened, and there must be a reason for it!" I told him. He frowned.

"We can't be together." He said and it hurt.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because i'm in love with someone else." He told me. A tear fell from my eye.

"The first rule of living... Do the thing that you're most afraid of..." I whispered to myself in remembrance of what someone had told me once.

"What?" Stefan asked curiously. I stared up into his eyes and then I connected my lips to his.


A spark ignited and suddenly Stefan was kissing me back. I was shocked at first that he would kiss me back, but that shock quickly went away and I ran my fingers through his hair. His tongue licked my lips and I opened my mouth.

After about I dont know how long, we separated breathlessly. I smiled at him.

"Now don't you dare tell me that that didn't feel right." I told him and walked away. When I entered the living room Lexi and Alaric gave me a knowing look. I blushed and made my way towards them.

"Zoeyyyy..." A whispery voice echoed. I paused and looked around the room. It was only me, Lexi and Alaric.

"D-did you hear that?" I asked the two. They both gave me a strange look.

"Hear what?" Lexi asked me. I shook my head.

"Uhh... Never mind. I'm probably just-"

"Zoeyyy..." The voice said again. I jumped because it sounded like someone had said it right next to me.

"That voice! Please tell me you hear that too!" I pleaded to them all. By now every one had made their way into the room.

"Whats going on?" Stefan asked.

"I dont know. She was fine and then she started freaking out about a voice in her head." Alaric said. The voice kept repeating itself over and over and then it just stopped. I looked around waiting for something to happen. Stefan slowly made his way to me by my mind was spinning so much that I didn't even notice.

"I'm here!" The voice shouted in my head. I screamed at the loudness and fell to the floor.

"He's here. He's here. H-he's here." I cried over and over.

"Yes I am." The voice said but this time it wasn't in my head. We all directed our attention to the man standing in the door.

"Ash." Damon said. I stood up from the ground and Stefan stood partially infront of me.

"Why are you here?" Stefan asked angrily.

"For her life. I killed her once, but I guess that wasn't enough." This Ash guy said and then blurred right infront of me, pushing Stefan out of the way. Ash then plunged his hand into my chest cavity and gripped my heart. I gasped in pain. I then looked over to Stefan with tears in my eyes. I didn't want to say goodbye now, I had only just gotten him.

"Don't worry Stefan, I'm just saving you the trouble with this one brother." Ash said and then pulled. I felt the loss as I felt to the floor. My last single breath leaving and me leaving with it.

I sat up when I realized that I was still here. I looked over as Stefan raced to my side. A tear slid down his cheek.

"Stefan, please dont cry. I'm fine." I told him, but he didnt respond. I got up off of the ground and looked to where he was looking to.

"Ohmygod." I whispered in fright. I watched as Stefan stood up angrily and attacked his brother, Ash. I watched as he killed my killer. Tears streamed down my face when I realized on what I had lost. I lost my life, I lost Stefan, I lost everything. I am dead.

"Stefan she still has her fathers blood running in her system." Caroline spoke up after everyone had gone quiet.

"And what does that have to do with anything." I retorted forgeting that they couldn't hear me.

"Yeah but I'm not human so she'll die... again." Elena said sadly. Caroline smiled and bit her lip.

"I may or may not have been given a small vial of your human blood today for this very reason." She said excitedly. Stefan pulled her into a hug.

"I could kiss you right now." Stefan said happily. I grew angry and I looked for something to at least throw at them. I saw a glass cup, grabbed it furiously, and threw it at the wall. And wow. I actually did it. I'm dead and I moved an object from the human world.

"Uh please dont hurt me ghost Zoey. He was just joking." Caroline laughed out nervously.

"Can she actually move objects while she's on the other side?" Damon asked and looked to Lexi and Alaric.

"I've never done it." They answered at the same time, which was a bit creepy.

After Caroline gave Stefan the vial of blood, everyone started to go their separate ways. Stefan had put my body in the back seat of his vehicle. We are going to travel the world for a while! Well... I didn't really have a choice in the matter since, ya know, I'm dead at the moment. But I don't really mind.

First stop is to drop Silas's body in a lake, and then its off to world traveling! Yay!

"This is getting very annoying." I said to myself. I was bored while everyone was preparing for the dead to become the dead again.

"Come on Lexi!" Stefan said and got in his car. I jumped in the backseat with my body and just sat back while we left the Salvatore house.

"How about New York?" Lexi asked but Stefan shook his head no.

"Oooo! Vegas!" She said excitedly.

"Ugh, no." Stefan replied.

"Okay, I know you think that I'm joking, but you're leaving. You just graduated for like the millionth time. It's time to start living your life, Stefan." Lexi said incrediously.

"What if Elena was... the... one?" He asked her. Tears filled my eyes.

"Oh but Stef, she was. And she will always be an epic love. But there is not only just one, especially for vampires. The only way to find another is to let go, and move on. And I think you have one in the backseat." Lexi told him truthfully.

"I've never been to Portland." He then looked over but Lexi was gone.

"Goodbye Lexi." He said quietly and put his eyes back the road. It hurt me so much to see him in this much pain.


Hiii! Well I'm actually surprised that I had uploaded another chapter! But once I had gotten that one chapter done this morning, this chapter just kept rolling.

I hope to get another chapter out very soon, but no promises okay? Because I don't want to give you guys false hope.



I was so excited to actually get those comments from;


I want to hear from all my readers more. Pleasssseee!!! It would so cool if you guys commented more.

I'm thankful for this story. I'm thankful for my readers! You guys are so awesome! I reached 6,000 reads today for this story, and I've been like hyper ever since I saw that big number, and as you can see this is a very big deal for me. Haha

Well I'm tired, so I'm just gunna go to bed. Bye guys!! :D


Good Night!! Sweet dreams everyone!! :)

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