you // 11.09.17

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you tell me,
i can't do this,
i cant do that.
you strip me of everything
i love;
everything that i am proud to be.
you make me despise that person.
"you're too soft,"
you say.
as if feeling so deeply is a thing to stray from.
you take everything
good from me
and leave me with nothing but
and memories of two girls i used to love.

you convince me,
you hurt me because you love me.
but you don't love me.
you love the girl you thought i was
before things got messy.
you're a heavy brick tied to the
claw of a bird
and thrown into the ocean.
you cant cage
a bird.
you can't cage me.
i am a hurricane,
and you are a glass house.
you are the kerosene,
i am the spark.
i am everything good
and real
you could ever wish for.

you teach me how to become a stone cold rock
then wonder why i can't be delicate.
you cut me with the way you love me,
and ask me why i bleed.
you tell me one of the reasons you're in love with me
is because i'm such a free spirit,
but you couldn't love me when i was just
being me.
you cant think a butterfly is beautiful,

"i will make sure every single day is a living hell for you."
little do you know,
you had been making it hell
for months.
"i hurt you because i love you, i don't mean to."
regardless of if you mean to or not,
you aren't supposed to hurt
the ones
you love.
i don't remember when i realized
that this was not love.
at least, not anymore.
it broke my heart a little bit,
but i felt

of course i loved you;
but i need to love me too.
"you're being selfish. i'm going through the same thing.
but i don't run away."
i am not selfish
for choosing to grow
from the dirt you stomped me in.
i am not running away,
i am running towards myself.
something that is worth everything.
i am a monument,
that was built to last forever.
you cannot tear me down.

you tell me you're mad
because i'm acting like
i don't quite know how to be soft anymore,
and you don't like me cold.
so which could it be?
but not for you,
for me.
i am a hurricane.
but i am also a
"a new start."

you are the glass standing tall.
you are the weeds trying to kill.
i will be soft again;
but i will also be strong.
i will know when to say
"enough is enough."
and step back.
you do not define me anymore.
i define me.
i am the springtime rose you see
blooming after the storm.
i am the air you breathe
after you've been drowning underwater.

where there is destruction,
there is also new life.

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