Chapter 30

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Marcie’s POV


I pulled the covers over my head and just as soon as I did that, I felt him sit on top of me.  He ripped the covers from my grasp and kissed my lips.  My body went limp as I let him take full control.  My hands slid up his shirt and he pulled away.

“Oh no, that’s saved for later.  This was just a very small preview of tonight.” He winked at me and got up off of me.

He laid down next to me and pressed his lips to my ear making me shiver.  His voice vibrated against my ear.

“We are going to IHop for breakfast, so you need to stop being lazy and get up” he kissed my earlobe softly and got up. 

I rolled out of bed and went in the bathroom.  I stripped of my clothing and got in the shower.  No sooner had I got in did Chris hop in too.  Is he going to tease me all day to get me buttered up for tonight?  I felt his hands make their way to my waist and his lips connect with my neck.  I dropped my washcloth as he continued to kiss my neck. 

He laughed and washed my body with his hands.  I fell limp as he continued.  I rinsed off and was about to get out until he stopped me and handed me the soap.

“But it’s my birthday!  Wasn’t that supposed to be a special birthday wash?”

“Nope” he said confidently popping the P.

I rolled my eyes and complied with his request.  I spent most of my time over his rock hard beautiful abs and his biceps.  I skipped over CJ and finished up.

“You missed a spot” he sang

I gave him a yeah right look and walked out of the shower.  I put on a nice sundress and some wedges, just to dress for the occasion.  I straightened up my side of the room and headed downstairs to grab a snack.  I was hungry as hell.  I found a nurtigrain bar…. Better than nothing, and sat down on the couch turning the TV on. 

About 5 minutes later Chris came flopping down the steps.  Only he was wearing a snapback.  I must admit he looked pretty damn good.  I stared at him as his made his way over to me

“You ready to go?”

I nodded as I got up and followed him to his car.  We sped off towards IHop.  In the car, Chris was grinning big as hell for some unknown reason, I just blew it off.  We pulled up to the IHop where I saw Jackie and Aaron getting out of their car.  I waited for Chris to park before I semi ran (tripping in the process) over to them.  I threw my arms around both of them, as the hugged me back and pecked my cheeks.

We headed inside the restaurant where they asked for a booth that could fit 6 people.  Why 6 people? It’s only 4.  Me, Chris, Jackie, and Aaron.  My question was quickly answered when Mack and another woman walk in the restaurant.  Jackie’s face fell as Aaron’s arm slid around her.  Chris and I exchanged curious glances.

Aaron whispered something inaudible to Jackie, she nodded and sent him a small smile.  Still confused, Chris and I both exchanged glances again.

“Hey birthday girl” Mack said happily.

“Hi Mack” I replied trying to sound a little less shocked

He greeted everyone else and Chris took my hand in his under the table, just so no one else in the restaurant would question anything, especially this mysterious woman who spoke up after she and Mack were seating.

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