Chapter 17

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Jackie's POV

I didn't want to tell Aaron my deepest darkest secret that no else but Aunt Stacy, myself, and my mom knows.  Not even Marcielle knew.  I had to tell him.  

"I-I'm her m-mother" I said slightly above a whisper in between sobs.

The look on Aaron's face pure confusion.  

"Who's mother Jackie?" he asked hesitantly.


The reason I was crying was because, I had Marcielle when I was 13.  I was in no way ready for a child.  My 18 year old boyfriend Mack tricked me into having unprotected sex.  When he found out I was pregnant he walked out on me.  Leaving me depressed and with Marcielle, I got an idea.  My my mom's sister Stacy (my aunt Stacy) had been trying for so long with her husband for a kid, so I offered them Marcielle.  That way I could still see her only I'd be her "cousin".  Then one day things got bad.  Stacy and Julian, her husband, got into a heated argument.  Julian wanted to have a child of his own but Stacy was perfectly happy with Mar.  Julian walked out leaving Stacy depressed.  

Later, Stacy turned to drugs and became an abuser.  This pissed me off that I trusted her with my child but she let me down.  I refused to let my daughter stay in that situation.  I felt like I had failed and that was the most terrible of situations.  Now I feel like that again and considering I don't know where she is made me even more paranoid.

After explaining all of this to Aaron, his mouth was hanging wide open and he stared at me in shock.

I'm pretty sure he doesn't love me anymore.  No matter how much he loves Marcielle.

Aaron's POV

When Jackie had finished telling me everything.   I was shocked.  I would've never guessed that Goody two shoes Jackie had a kid?  Wow.  That's something to write home about there! My mouth still wide open in shock, I couldn't believe I had missed something like this.  How was Marcielle going to take it?  I looked at Jackie and I saw something I'd never realized before.  Jackie and Little M have the same beautiful blue-gray eyes.  There noses were strikingly similar and both of them had the natural honey highlights in their medium brown, curly hair.  

It all made sense....  I was happy that one day Marcielle would be my daughter once I marry Jackie, but angry with Jackie at how she had kept this secret from me for so long.  My happiness overshadowed my anger towards Jackie though.  No matter what though, I still loved them both. Now just let me find this Mack guy....

Chris's POV

FOUND HER!!!!!!!! At first she stared at me like I was crazy but then hesitantly got up.  She walked out of the front door and I sprinted around to meet her.  I picked her up and kissed her passionately while she just kinda froze up.  I put her down grabbed her hand and led her to the car.  Once in the car I said 

"Marcie, I was so worried about you! Are you okay?"

I gushed on like this for the whole ride back to my place.  Once we got there.  I helped her out of the car and sat down with her on the couch.  She tried to scoot away but I just moved closer to her.  Once I was literally on her lap.  I started a conversation

"Marcie.... Can we talk"


"Look, I know I've treated you bad and you don't deserve that, you are a sweet girl who deserves better than to be used as a sex slave, so from now on.  I respect you okay?"

Within 2 seconds she had her arms around my neck.  

"That's all I ever wanted, was for you to respect me."

I smiled and kissed her cheek, she giggled and laid her head on my shoulder. 

Around 9:30 I told her that I could take her home or she could stay here.  She decided to go home - I was kinda sad - to make sure Jackie her cousin was okay and not too worried.  So that's who that girl was... her cousin.

On the drive to her house I popped in a CD and listened to "Sweet Love".  I made it myself.  It was pretty good but I didn't want to be famous.  I think being a sexy teacher is good enough.  Marcie bobbed her head to the music and gave me a funny look when the lyrics registered in her mind.  

"Why'd you just so happen to play this song?"

I smirked at her at kept on driving,  I felt a playful punch in the arm

"What was that for?"

"You nasty! That's what it's for"

We pulled up to her apartment.  I walked her to her door and kissed her goodnight like they do in the movies.  She went inside and locked her door.  I think being nicer is better for our relationship.

Marcie's POV

I was so happy Chris decided to give up on the whole "I own you" thing.  Now I think I'll actually enjoy being with him... that is if we last.  My thoughts were interrupted by the door bursting open to reveal a teary-eyed Jackie and an emotionless looking Aaron.  When they spotted me, they ran over and engulfed me in the tightest hug possible.  I knew they were going to ask me where I had been... I had to think quick. Jackie said 

"MARCIELLE!!!! You're okay!!!! My baby!!!! Oh I was sooooo worried! WE were so worried! Where have you been who-"

She was cut off by Aaron who scooped me up and onto his lap and said

"Jackie, calm down. One question at a time"  He smiled at me and turned back to Jackie who was staring at me.

"Okay, Where were you Marcielle?" Jackie asked me.

I already had my lie lined up

"I found a nice vacant cabin in the woods and I went there for a few days"

She glared at me and Aaron was glaring at me too... Was I in a shit load of trouble or nah?  Aaron roughly slid me off his lap and 2 seconds later they were in my face yelling about how worried they were and how I had the both of them thinking they would never see me again and blah blah blah.   Then one thing Jackie said caught everyone's attention

"I didn't know my own daughter could be so selfish and irresponsible"

"Daughter?? Whaa??"

When Jackie realized what she said, she burst into tears and ran out of the door.  With Aaron following close behind her, my mouth was hung open in shock.  Jackie was my mother?  Then who was Stacy?  I was so confused right now. The clock said 11:00 and I never got a chance to finish my homework and that's what I did while crying my eyes out.  at 12:00 everything was done and my eyes were puffy.

Still crying, I hopped in the shower and  washed.  It was 12:15 when I got finished with everything.  I laid down turned the light off and cried myself to sleep.  Hopefully no one would notice tomorrow.   I should've stayed at Chris's house.

(A/N) hey guyss!  A lot of mouth openers here! haha. but there's nothing much to say sooo vote comment and tell me what you think bye lovesss.

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