6- Swoonworthy Powers

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Amy, Tina, and Melissa were sitting in their math class when they started talking about boys.

" Do you honestly still like Dustin?" Melissa asked, Tina.

" Not really. i don't see him." She replied.

" Well Nicky still likes to pretend i don't exist but I like him." Amy said, quietly.

Melissa and Tina stared in shock. And Amy had a look of regret on her face.

"I mean.. um..." She said, nervously.

" Oh my god!!!" Tina said. " You still like Nicky Powers?!"

" Ssssshhhhh." Amy hissed. " Don't say it out loud."

" How come?" Melissa asked. " He's not in this Algebra class."

Later that day, Tina had to ask Nicky a question about the play they were doing so she brought Amy with her.

" Hey Nicky... Nicky NICKY!" She yelled until he finally turned a around.

" What's up Tee?" He said, sucking on a cherry lollipop.

" Do you have a jump rope we can use got our scene?"

He thought for a minute before taking the sucker out of his mouths and saying, " I think so........ but i'm not sure."

" Well Thanks kid! Luv you." Amy told him.

Nicky just gave her a hard stare and Tina dug her forehead into her hands. Amy put her hands over her mouth, an dragged Tina out of there.

" Bye Nicky!" She shouted.

" Bye Tina." He said turning back to his friends.

Since, it was after school,
Amy and Tina until they were at Tina's house, and then they flopped down on the bed breathlessly.

" Look, i know our parents okay with it , but don't you think Ms. K will be angry we are skipping HW club for the 2nd time this week." Tina said.

" THATS NOT THE POINT TEE!!!" Amy yelled. " I embarrassed myself in front of my fiancé."

" Your what?"

" He hates me."

" No he doesn't. I have an idea." Tina said.

" What?!" Amy asked.

" You're coming to my play right?" Tina asked.

Amy nodded.

" Okay." Tina continued. " So you have your 8 year old sister Kiki. And he has and 8 year old brother named Caleb."

" Ya." Amy said. " So?"

" Well we can have them sit together and they can start talking cause it's what 8 year olds do so when that's happing you can talk up his family maybe his brother and your sister will have a play date and you guys can babysit. Finally you guys will start hanging out and maybe even going out and then you'll be married in paris and i'll be a maid of honour and i'll be able to tell the whole sweet story of i mgot you two together and in love."

" Okay, Look Cupid." Amy told her friend. "  What is he doesn't get the hint?"

" What if he does?" Tina asked.

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