Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

I took a deep breath in slowly, and let it out as fast as I took it in. Harry's arm was still wrapped around my waist. Carefully, I turned around to see Hazza asleep, managing to look cute in the process. I leant in and kissed his nose softly. Harry made a weird noise, which made me giggle. I tried my best to cover it up, but it was too late. I had woken up Haz. His eyes opened slowly, a smile slowly stretching onto his face once he steadied his gaze on one thing; me. "Sorry." He groaned and hid his face in his pillow. "Oh, come on, now. Don't hide that handsome face from me.

"I do what I want," he said into his pillow. I had to do a double take though because it was so muffled I couldn't tell what he was saying. "What time is it?" He lifted his head up from the pillow and smiled a cheeky grin through squinted eyes at me. I stuck my tongue out at him. 

My eyes wandered to the clock on the wall and noticed that it was only ten after ten in the morning. "It's only a little past ten." Harry mumbled under his breath after I had told him. I softly rubbed his head and brushed his curls out of his face like he normally liked it. "Why don't we get a shower and then order room service?" He gave me a half smile at the idea of us getting a shower.

"You mean, like, together?" Harry turned so he was on his back now and he looked up at the bare white ceiling. I nodded my head as I rested my hand on his chest. "That idea isn't too bad."

"It wouldn't be if I weren't pregnant," I sighed. "But since it's you, I'll take a shower with you." My fingers ran themselves through my hair as Harry got up and walked over to me, holding out his hands to me.

"I'll be with you. I won't let anything happen to you." Harry said with a smile on his face. His breath tickled my face a little bit. I smiled and pulled myself up off the bed. He quickly pecked my lips and led us to the bathroom. "Let me get the water ready and I'll help you, okay?" I nodded sitting down on the toilet. Harry walked over to the shower and started getting the water warm enough for the both of us. The shower turned on and water started pouring out of the shower head. It sent a shiver down my spine as I tried as hard as I could to take my socks off without bending over. I had one sock off by the time Harry was standing in front of me with his hands out towards me again. I looked up at him and he was giving me a stern look. "Quit struggling. You'll hurt yourself." I snorted as he took my last sock off and helped me stand so I could take off my sweats. "Ready to get in the shower," he asked as I was taking off my shirt. I nodded and looked back at him. He was looking my body up and down and I didn't know what he was looking at so I looked over in the mirror briefly to see stretch marks all over my body around the side of my butt and all over my stomach.

I looked away quickly in shame and walked into the shower. The warm water hit my skin and dampened my curls, straightening them as straight as they would go. As the water ran down my skin, I felt like it was making me a new person. Like all the pain and worries from my earlier life were washing away. All the pain I've ever felt never happened and the good memories are taking over like the sun does when it rises every morning.  

My hands rose up and moved my hair out of my eyes right when Harry opened the curtain to get in. "Hey," I chorused as he closed the curtain back and reached for my arms. Since the shower was big enough, I switched him places so he could get under the water. "Want your shampoo and conditioner?" He nodded.

"As long as it isn't meant for straightening," he nagged as he held out his hand for the bottles. I smiled as I remembered that one small moment from all those months ago that basically started our romantic relationship. I handed him the bottle and shook my head.

"No, but it's crazy to think that's what basically started all of this."

Harry scrubbed his hair and within three minutes he was done with washing his hair so now it was time for me to scrub mine. "Now that I think about it, you're right," he cooed with a smile as he took over my job of scrubbing my hair. "When we get home, you deserve a nice long hot bath. Carrying those two has to be a struggle."

"It is," I mumbled as Harry washed my hair. "But in the end, it'll be totally worth it." He smiled over to me and we finished up within the next ten minutes. We quickly dried off and changed into some warm clothes. I quickly changed into a light pink sweater with a pretty white scarf, a pair of black leggings with knee-high socks and brown boots that came just below the socks.

"Wanna get the lads together and head to get lunch?" I shrugged my shoulders and finally noded as Harry changed into a plain white t and his typical black skinny jeans with a nice pair of boots. "I'll take my coat just in case we decide to go out and walk around." I nodded as I bent down and grabbed his coat for him since it was close to me. He wasn't too happy about it, but I had to do something nice with him, he had been doing so many nice things for me. 

An hour later we had all the lads agreed to get lunch and we all sat down in the cafe that was attached to the hotel. Shay even joined us this morning. When I knocked on Niall's door this morning she answered and seemed pretty embarrassed to see me. I wasn't quick to judge, instead, I just gave her a friendly smile and told her we were meeting for breakfast in the cafe and wanted to invite her and Niall. She was so nice about the whole encounter, and she seemed even more like herself once we got to lunch.

We took up four small tables with one seat left over. The couples sat next to each other as usual and even though Niall and Shay weren't a thing they still sat next to each other. I smiled to myself and looked up at a waitress who walked up to us. "Hello, I'll be your waitress fo today, what would you guys like to drink?" She shot everyone a friendly smile.

"I'll have a cherry coke," I replied. Harry nodded. She wrote down two cherry cokes and waited for the rest to tell them what they wanted and once they had she walked off. "Wow. . .she was actually nice."

"People like that don't deserve to be in the presence of a beautiful girl, who is named Sharissa Styles!" He smiled a cheeky smile and people around us sort of chuckled along with what Harry said

"So, Shay," I started. "You seem to be more of yourself today." She just nodded and smiled towards me, her hat covering her eyes again. "What movie did you guys watch last night?" 

Shay looked over to Niall who looked over at me. "I think it was called Game Day or Game Plan or something."

Shay nodded and responded, "Yeah. It had The Rock in it." I nodded my head because I knew what they were talking about. "Have you seen it?"

I was just about to answer when our waitress walked back over carrying all of our drinks. She went down the line, handing everyone their drinks. "Here are your cherry cokes. Are we all ready to order today?" She smiled at us again, holding onto her pen and paper just in case we were. It turned out everyone was beyond ready because we were all starving. So once again, she went down the line and took everyone's order. I had a burger and fries while Harry wanted a taco salad. She smiled at us once again before she turned on her heel and took our large order to the cook.

I scooted my chair out and looked over at Harry. "I have to use the restroom. Terrible side effect of pregnancy." He just chuckled and shook his head as I stood up and made my way to the restrooms that were close to where we were seated. It didn't take me no time to go in and pee, I figured it to be around two minutes. 

I got to the sinks to wash my hands and an elderly lady came in."Excuse me, Ms!" I turned around to see the elderly woman smiling up at me. "Hi. I just wanted to say that you should keep that boy you got out there. I bet he's a keeper." She smiled at me, so I gave her a friendly smile back. "They only come once in a lifetime, you know. When I was about your age, I made a mistake and left during the night one night. I was in deep love with a man who had gotten me pregnant I was so scared to tell him that I left. I couldn't take the pressure I was under. I've never seen him in 80 years." My mouth opened in a shocked expression and I placed my hand over my heart because it genuinely hurt for her. "Don't do what I did. Stay with him. You two remind me of the man and I. I can just tell when I noticed you two looking at each other." She smiled, but her bottom lip was quivering.

"Thanks. I think I will." What the woman said had hit hard with me. I had almost made the same decision until I had a good friend who talked me into staying. I stood there and looked at myself in the mirror. I couldn't help but think about how blessed I was to have surrounded myself with people who care about me. My lips stretched into quite the smile as I walked out of the bathroom and returned to my seat. Today was about to be a great day.

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