It was you

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I waited outside of Dr.Smiley's room. Toby was in there and Slender man told me to say sorry when he wakes up.

Its not my fault...Ok maybe. "Hey." Liu said. I froze. I didnt say anything. "Something wrong?" He asked. My face heated up.

"Did something happen?" He asked. My heart beated fast. "Are you ok?" He asked. I nodded fast. "Ok." He said. He wave goodbye and left.

I felt bad for some reason. Why was I so nervous?

While thinking the door open. I saw Toby. "Hey feeling better?" I asked. "Yeah. Feeling anything with Liu?" He teased. I rolled my eyes and walked away.

I saw Nina sitting down. Mabye she can help me. "Hey Nina." I said. She looked at me. "Sup." She said. "I need to ask something." I said. "Sure go ahead!" She said. "Earlier I felt nervous around Liu. Like my face felt hot. And my heart started beating fast." I said. She smiled. "Oo~ my little bean has spout!" She said. I laughed. "Your in love!" She said. I stopped. "What." I said. "Your in love with Liu! But get near my man I'll make sure you won't see the day of light an I'll carve out your face." She said. "Ok.." I said.

A hand was placed on my shoulder. I looked and saw Liu. Nina began to laugh. "May I have a word with you?" He asked. "She would love to." Nina said. Great, another Toby.

He grabbed my hands and took me away. We where outside. "Liu, is everything ok?" I asked. "Yes it is. Well not really." He said.

"Did something happen?" I ask. "No, I want something to happen." He said.

I still didnt get it. He. then held both of my hands. My heart was beating fast. He leaned in and kissed me.

I was shock. But I kissed back. He backed up and my face was heated up like an oven. "Your cute when you blush." He said. I was blushing!!

"I-uhh." I shuddered. He laughed. Then I herd someome giggling was it Sally? I turned back and saw Nina and Toby. Watching us. The whole time. Awkward. "What are you guys doing?" Liu asked. "Uhh. We where looking for Jeff." Nina said. I could tell she was lying.

"Yeah. He was wearing a waffle costume." Toby said. Liu sigh. "Yeah, and we were going to get him until.." Nina trailed off. "Until what." Liu said. "We found out that he was naked." Toby said.

"Toby I'm not that dumb. Jeff would never do that." Liu said. "You never know. He could of kept it a secret." Toby said. "Why would he wear a waffle costume?" I asked. "For umm.. Fashion these days am-I-right?" He said. "Nina why do you have Jeff's clothes on?" I asked. "Oh Shoot." She said. "If Jeff finds out Nina then-" Liu was stopped by Jeff screaming. "NINAAAAA!!!" He yelled. Jeff ran out with nothing but a waffle box covering up... That part.

He chased Nina around. Liu covered my eyes. "Does this always happen?" I asked. "Yeah." Liu said. I Then herd something. I took off liu's hands from my face. Nina screamed. Toby passed out. Liu standing there in shock. I was standing there speechless. The box fell. Jeff, butt naked.

Later on after Nina and jeff got in trouble by slenderman~

I sat in the corner covering my face. "Dude what happen?" Ben asked. "The Jeff thing." Liu said. I looked up. Toby seemed sad. "My waffles. There home." He said. He really needs to get a hobby.

"I'm gonna go to my room." I said. I got up and went upstairs.

I saw a paper on my door. It had a victims name. It had the location too. i should get going.

I went in my room to get my pocket knife. I then walked out. I saw Masky. "Let's get going. Slendy told me to go with you." He said. "less talking more blood." I said. I could tell he was smiling under his mask.

We both walked out.

"Hows things with Toby?" He asked. "Horrible." I answered. He chuckled. "We should tie him up on a tree." He said. I laughed. "Ya!" I answered.

After talking you made it~

We where finally here. It was a dark alley. "Are they in there?" I asked. "yeah." Masky said. Out of no where we herd a gun shot. Masky tackled me down. We his behind something. I couldn't tell what sense it was dark.

A man walked out of the dark alley. He had a mask on. He look so fimilier. I saw his green eyes. They glowed. I got mad. I remembered that the police told me there was a shooter. He had green eyes. Like him.

I couldn't control myself. I got up and tackled the shooter down. He fought back. I had my pocket knife in my hand trying to kill him. Masky was yelling at me to get off.

"(Y/n) get off!! Its to dangerous he could shoot you!" Masky yelled. The shooter stopped. "No he killed my brother and dad!" I yelled. Tears rolled down my eyes.

I took off his mask. Seeing the man. Who killed my brother and dad.

"No.." I wispered. "It can't be." Masky said.  "I'm sorry." He said.

"Why..... I can't belive it was you..


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