(OLD) Inu!Lloyd?

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//I wrote this in the summer and I thought sure why not put it on wattpad????//
"How's he holding up?"
"He's doing ok...could be worse. Only a few bruises. Should be up soon."
"Oh gosh...I hope he's up soon!"
The blonde grumbled and started to stir.
"I believe Lloyd's coming to."
He clenched his fists together, feeling fabric under his skin. Lloyd grumbled again and slowly looked up. Half of his vision was concealed by the blanket above his head, but from what he could see, a few people were above his bed. A nervous looking Jay, a Cole leaned against the wall, and Zane with his static expression.
"Hey buddy!" Jay nervously whispered, crouching down to his friend's face. "How are you feeling...?"
"...A little nauseas if you want the honest answer." Lloyd groaned. Jay quickly backed up, his hands out.
"Got it."
"What even happened...?" Lloyd asked, searching set of each ninja's eyes for a answer. Cole looked surprised and gave Zane a look. Jay did the same. Zane stared into the distance before noticing the glares piercing him.
"...Oh? Must I tell him?"
"That would be much appreciated." Cole said with the slight dip of his head. Zane's icy blue eyes met with Lloyd's glazed over ivy green ones before he began his long winded explanation of the events prior.
"Well it had seemed that Lord Garmadon's shark army had a dark magic caster on their side this time around. You were in combat when the caster had struck you down with a certain spell of sorts. Though, it seems I cannot pinpoint what they had casted upon you," Zane trailed on, Lloyd at a loss for words. "We took you back to your house after you wouldn't respond. You haven't been out for too long. No need to fret. But you might have to stay down for a couple days to let your injuries heal. They aren't serious, but they do need looking after."
"What?!" Lloyd yelled, sitting up rather quickly. The cover that hid most of his body had flew off when he flung up. What was under that cover made the three gasp. Lloyd sat there.
"...What? Do I have like...a third eye or something? Another head?" Lloyd questioned.
"...Cole. Mirror." Jay spoke.
"On it." Cole said as he slowly walked off, his eyes locked on Lloyd until he turned the corner into the bathroom.
"...Is it bad?" Lloyd asked, his face crunching up into a nervous expression.
Jay looked over at Zane, who stared right back. Jay then looked back at Lloyd with a wide, fake smile. "I...honestly...don't think it looks too bad..."
"Correct!" Zane chirped in.
Lloyd's eyes narrowed. Something seemed oddly suspicious. Cole trailed back to the bedside and gave the small mirror to Jay.
"Now...before I let you look at what happened...promiiise that you wont lose your cool?" Jay spoke, the mirror in his hand twitching a bit in his grasp. Lloyd frantically nodded.
Jay slowly turned the mirror to face Lloyd.
Everything on Lloyd's face was fine aside from a scratch or two on his cheeks...but something in his hair...wasn't normal.
Two tan colored ears were poking out of his blonde locks, pointing up to the sky.
"And I don't think that's the only thing..." Jay said in another whisper, lifting the blanket back even more to reveal a fluffy, curly tail of the same color. Lloyd nearly choked seeing this.
"Is...is this a joke?" He asked. Lloyd then saw his ears twitch on Lloyd's command. His green eyes enlarged in shock. The three shook their heads. Lloyd didn't know how to respond to this. He kept studying the ears on his head, poking at them with hesitation. When he poked them, they would react with a twitch. The scariest part to Lloyd was that he could feel the poke.
"This...this isn't okay." He muttered, trying to hide the ears by pushing them back to no avail, for they just perked back up with he slid his hands back too far past the ears.
"I need to go get help! Now!"
With that, Lloyd jumped out onto the floorboards, making Jay back up in utter surprise.
"Lloyd! No! You need to lay back down!" Zane yelled out, trying to reach out and grab his friend's arms. Lloyd just ducked and ran past the trio in the room. He barely made it to the small living room space before feeling a sharp pain in the side of his abdomen. He let out a pain-filled hiss escape through his teeth as he leaned against the couch for a second, putting his hand gently on his left side. He heard the other ninjas turn around the corner and Lloyd burst into a fast walk, slightly hunched over from the searing pain traveling up the side of his body. The teen made it to the door and nearly threw it open. Everything in the world seemed to stop when he got that door open. Right there in front of him was Kai with a phone in hand. He looked up from his texting and saw what just opened the door.
The blonde pinned his ears back and his mouth was slightly open. Though, no words came out from him. Lloyd tried to force even a noise out of his mouth before the injuries on his body gave him one final stinging sensation. His teeth bared in pain and he stumbled forward before his legs gave out on him. Kai acted immediately and caught the teen in his arms before he hit the floor.
"Woah there, tiger! You shouldn't be up!" Kai said, helping Lloyd up a bit. Lloyd grunted and tried to push Kai off but to no avail. "I...need to get fixed! Now! I need to go see Uncle!"
Kai looked past Lloyd and gave the three ninjas inside a look of confusion. Cole, on all their behalf, shrugged. Nobody knew what was truly going on. But they did know that their un-biological brother needed help.
"Ok...I'll get Nya on the job, ok? She's on her cycle right now outside. You can't go out like this." Kai spoke back up, slowly bringing Lloyd to the couch. He set him down, earning a hiss of pain from Lloyd.
"Sorry bud." Kai said with a apologetic tone wavering in his voice. Lloyd just grunted again and tried to make himself comfortable on the couch. Kai grinned. He then walked over to the other three ninjas, his phone back in his hand. Taking it out, he started to text a contact named 'Lil' Sis.'
"Ok so...can somebody explain why he looks like a furry?" Kai sighed while his eyes were focused down on his phone.
"Black magic." Zane replied.
"Ohh. So that witch person really did curse him with something, huh?"
The red ninja shook his head. 'Should've known.'
"And where's Koko? Shouldn't his mother be taking care of him right now?" Kai asked again, finishing up his texts and pushing his phone back into his jacket's pocket.
"She's out in the city getting medical supplies. Should be back any minute, actually." Cole replied this time with a shrug. Kai huffed and turned his attention back to Lloyd, who was struggling to lay down comfortably. His ears were twitching frantically and his tail curl drooped flat. Kai had a pity on him.
"So I guess...since we're on babysitting duty..." Kai smirked, Lloyd sending a sharp glare his way. "...we can relax today!"
He turned to the spot next to Lloyd's legs and fell into the cushions. "And I don't know about you guys, but I'm gonna watch some TV. The best stuff is always on during school hours." Kai said as he grabbed the remote on the small stand that stood next to the couch.
"Aw yeah! Freebie day at Lloyd's house!" Jay cheered, throwing his arms up in excitement. He opened his palm at Cole's way and got a high-five from the black haired teen.
"I'll make some food and play some mad tunes." Cole exclaimed as he rushed off to the kitchen. Jay, Zane, and Kai's expression turned to one full of fear. Cole's cooking was never really...cooking. It looked like a bunch of food mashed together in a poor attempt at 'food'. A example of this was a few weeks ago when he prepared 'grilled cheese'. Thinking back on it, it didn't even had bread. It was a huge glob of cheese that was left on Cole's grill for a hour.
"Zane?" Kai spoke. Zane nodded and bounded over to the kitchen. Zane saw Cole practically raiding the fridge when he stepped in. Cole threw a box of milk on the floor, (which ended in it bursting open and spilling the milk all over the kitchen tiles), and a few containers of neatly put together left overs.
"Gosh Lloyd...you need to tell your mother to get better stuff." Cole grumbled to himself under his breath, shaking his head. Zane blinked and stood there before remembering what he came there for. He sneakily grabbed the garbage can and busted in a sprint back to the small living room.
"Acquired." Zane announced, dropping it next to the couch robotically.
"Thank gosh for you, Zane. Now we can chuck whatever monstrosity he makes when he turns his back." Kai smiled.
"No need to thank...gosh. Whoever he is." Zane said with a smile and a twitch of his head.
For the next couple of hours, Zane watched Jai and Kai enjoy some sort of weird television program, not understanding how the human brain could even register it as enjoyable, and Lloyd still laid there drifting in and out of four minute naps.
The door knob jiggled. This got the attention of everyone in the room, instead of Lloyd, who had nodded off.
"Heey! Which one of you boys locked the door?" A female voice was heard from outside the wooden apartment door. Kai and Jay looked at looked with nervous looks.
"Does she know about this?" Kai yelled in a whisper to Jay, gesturing at the ears and tail of the green ninja. Jay shook his head, his shoulders shaking.
"I'll go fetch the blanket from his room. We can hide his new parts under that. But you both must make sure Koko does not disturb the cover!" Zane spoke in his usual monotone voice. The boys nodded quickly. Jay got up and snatched the remote, turning the TV off. Zane slid off to Lloyd's room.
"Oh heyy miss!" Kai cheered out, creeping up to the door. "Sorry, I accidentally locked it when I came in. Jay's looking for the key right now."
"How lovely for you to stop by, Kai!" The voice chirped with affection. Zane came back in with a white blanket dangling from his hand. He stopped right behind the couch and raised the blanket up. Zane then dropped it like a crane machine and it floated on top of the sleeping blonde. Lloyd responded to it with a twitch of his ears and groaned, shuffling over on his side so his face would be engulfed in cushion. Jay went over and helped Zane with moving the blanket around strategically over their leader, making sure everything was covered. They ended up just plain out covering his entire body. Jay broke out in a sweat.
"Oh man...oh maan...I hope this works!" He cried out, nervously shuddering in place.
"There is a 86% chance that this will work. Have faith." Zane advised his cowering ninja brother. Zane trudged over to the spot where Kai once was and sat down, acting as natural as a ninjroid could be. He nodded at Kai, and Kai nodded back. Kai got his mouth close to the doorknob and tried his best to impersonate a 'ker-chink' kind of noise.
"It's unlocked now!" Kai yelled out before backing up, letting the door open by itself.
A ginger haired woman briskly walked in, her left arm bombarded with multiple emergency medical supplies. Some strands of her hair were popping out and she looked around with urgency. "How's my little Lloyd doing? Is he ok? Did he wake up?"
Jay tried his best to keep it cool and nodded hastily. "Yep! Just a hour ago! He's fine! Nothing wrong with him, nope!" He spouted out. Kai looked back and gave him a quick hush. Jay was acting way too nervous for Kai's liking.
"Your son is right here." Zane said, patting the lump next to him. "But his vitals do appear to tell me that he is asleep." Happily, she went up to the covered boy, dropping the supplies on the floor. She placed her hand gently on his waist, a wide smile emerging on her face.
"He always did like to hide..." She sighed. Koko leaned down and gave the head a small kiss, which got a confined chuckle out of Jay and Kai.
"What a mama's boy..." Kai laughed under his breath, cautious not to be so loud. Zane watched the tender moment with a smile. But then.
A growl.
It didn't really sound like a playful growl a kid might do, or even a edgy teenager might let out occasionally when they don't get their way. No, this was a Rottweiler-esque type growl. Koko stepped back for a second, the growling continuing. Under the covers, Lloyd turned over yet again and then ceased growling, giving out a huff. Kai stared at his mother worriedly.
"...Hm. Must be dreaming."
The boys all sighed at once, relieved that she wasn't catching on.
"Oookay guys! I made someeeee spaghetti!" Cole called out, happily jumping into the living room with plates of 'food' in his hands. He then nearly jumped back in surprise, one of his plates flying a inch or two above his hand. Cole caught it quickly and grinned at Koko. "Oh hi! I made some food for everyone while you were out...hope you don't mind." Cole grunted, making his way to the coffee table in front of the couch. He set the two down rather diligently. "I have more on the way. Be back in a sec."
The black haired teen cheered as he nearly skipped back into the kitchen area. Kai looked down at the plates, the look of disgust forming on his face. He...really didn't know what it was. The supposed 'noodles' were dark yellow and the tomato sauce that was spread over it was thick and chunky with what looked like chili beans infused with the sauce. The smell it gave off wasn't appetizing in the slightest. The boys looked at Zane pleadingly, looking like they were nearly on the verge of tears from just looking at it. Zane just smiled and got up, picking up the plates.
"I got it you guys." He spoke before silently making his way over to the trashcan they moved to the living room and carefully slid the 'food' into the bin.
"Oh c'mon now you guys...he...he tried his best!" Koko loudly whispered in a sheer voice at the boys.
"Trust me, if you ever even tasted his cooking, you would do the same thing." Kai informed, shivering from the thought.
"Well boys...I need to go back out and get more things for Lloydie here," Koko said, petting his son's concealed head ever so slightly. "Can I trust you all to take care of him while I'm out?"
"We intended to sleep over anyway." Jay shrugged. Koko chuckled and then went to the door. "See you boys later!"
They all waved as the adult left out the door, closing it on the way out. They all sat there, frozen for a few seconds before finally letting their happy-go-lucky act fade with a drop of their shoulders with a big sigh of relief.
"I thought I was gonna break..." Jay whined.
"Ditto." Kai agreed.

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