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Guren's P.O.V

We were now back in the city, we couldn't stay in the vampire city for long, there were still a lot of nobles there. I sighed and Shinya looked at me "Something wrong?" he asked. We were in the back of a large group watching as the vampire queen was being shown off by being tied to a post in front of all the soldiers

"Kinda. I wasn't able to kill Crowley, he just retreated when things got ugly. But there's something about Yn, I think I've met him before, but I don't know from where" I explained and he nodded

"You know, Tenri Hiragi's here himself to meet the vampire queen" he smiled

"Wait! What?!" I yelled

"Yeah, he wants to get info out of her or use her as a hostage" he smiled "You might get a promotion"

I sighed "There's still one thing that's bothering me"

"And what's that?" he asked

"Yn said that he'd save Krul 'next time', but I know I stabbed him through the heart, so he should be dead.....but I still can't shake this feeling of unease" I explained to him and he looked shocked 

"Is it something I said?" I asked, but then he pointed to something in the distance. I turned to it and was shocked as well

In the distance was the wall that separated here and the ruined city, but one spot seemed as if it was getting brighter as if it was melting

Krul's P.O.V

I opened my eyes to find what seemed like hundreds or thousands of soldiers in front of me. I found myself chained to a post on a large stage, like some trophy for everyone to see

I heard someone walking towards me, it was none other than the leader of the JIDA, Tenri Hiragi. 

"So you're Krul Tepes, you're not as tough as I heard," he said while looking down at me

I didn't say anything, I could see that most of the Hiragi's were on the side of the stage

"Now we can do this the easy way" he took out a sword "Or the real easy way"

I looked at the blade it was clearly a wasn't his cursed gear, but it was enchanted

He bent down to my level "All I want you to do is give me information, do that and we can make a deal. So it's your choice" 

I spat in his face, he didn't react, he simply wiped it off and stood up "Have it your way. But there is one thing I want you to know before we start"

"And what's that?" I said in a rude and annoyed tone

"Project Blood Driver"

"Isn't that Yn?" I asked with a raised eyebrow

"Yes, Originally we were going to use him as bait to lure all the vampires into a trap and kill you all at once"

"Like we'd fall for that. His blood may be rare but it doesn't mean we would just go running in without info and a plan" I said as if Implying that he's stupid

"That's what you think. I'm sure he has asked you to drink his blood, maybe before a battle"

I twitched slightly

"I'll take that as a yes. When you drank from him, you removed small fragments of chains that were in his blood and he would become stronger. But I'm sure you've noticed, how his blood has been becoming addicting, and irresistible"

 I narrowed my eyes "So you're saying-"

"That the chains in his blood is also decreasing the flavor of his blood. If all of them were to be removed then most vampires would lose all sense of reason and come running with enough of his blood being spilled" he explained

Krul Tepes X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now