Chapter 11.5

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The other day with Brittany was fucking crazy . But everything she was saying had me paranoid as fuck . I was constantly checking up on Journey and my other friends . Today i decided to take a much needed trip.

I walked into the prison almost turning around . I never thought I would be here. I walked up to the glass window looking at my once best friend behind the window . I sat in the seat and picked up the phone .

It was silent for a few minutes.

" why the fuck You come visit me not to say shit" I almost hung up but remembered what I came here for.

" Jah please stop acting like we are still friends." I said with much attitude.

" nigga did I mention a friendship? You niggas is soft and don't know the half of what's going on" jah spat into the phone .

" then what tf fuck is going on Jahlesha!" I screamed grabbing attention of some nearby guards.

" listen I been in this bitch for a minute and you just coming to see me indicating that shit most be really popping off" she said back in her chair with a smirk on her face.

" Let me know when y'all find out who ever fucking with y'all, tell em im looking for em .. and when I find em .." she said. She went to slam the phone down but I stopped her

"JAH WAIT!" I lowly yelled. She picked back up the phone without saying nothing .

" do you not even care that Journey is in a coma ? We may be burying her soon" i said while sniffling . I didn't even realize I was crying .

Jah face instantly softing and she looked innocent . Her once clear face were now covered in tattoo and she looked like the same Jah i meant back in the day when we first met . A thug .

" jah .. you didn't do that shit did you!" I screamed . Her facial expression was full of emotions and secrets but I wasn't looking at a murder.

Tears left her eyes as she slammed the phone down.

" JAH DONT LEAVE TELL ME THE FUCKING TRUTH!" I jumped from chair and yelled. Guards came and told me I had to leave. I was now in full fledge tears. I screamed and kicked as the guards escorted me out .


" Shae what happened the night you found Journey" i said as i pasted around the room.

" I told you for the 100th Time , Jah has a fun to her head!" She yelled.

" you sure it was jah?"

"Bitch do you hear yourself? You really questioning if Jah did that shit ! She did that shit?!" She yelled

" Nah bra, i seen her the other day! She ain't do that shit brah , somebody playing with us on some Pretty Little Liars shit!" I yelled in her face.

"Man you a idiot" Shae said as she got up to leave but Johnny came in blocking her .

We were all at Dominique's house by the way in her living room. Dominique was in her office with Ken trying to figure out where her money was going .

"Wassup" Johnny said as she embraced Shae into a hug . I scrunched up my face at the both of them.

" y'all got something going on?" I questioned with my arms folded.

" Nah not even" Johnny said as she made her way over to the couch to sit down.

"Bra Shae come back we gotta figure out this Journey shit" i said .

She sighed before plunging in the couch next to Johnny .

" I can get Dom to set up a meeting with Jah privately , face to face type shit . She lying about something man" i said

" or your being paranoid as fuck!" Shae said

" when you found Jah was she dressed?" I asked

" nigga I don't know ,-
" Just answer the question!" I yelled

" yeah.. but i just thought she got dressed to kill Journey , i don't know." Shae shrugged her shoulders

" it's funny how you acting like this when this is your girl mane , fuck it , i don't even know why i care if you don't!" I said as i threw my hands up.

" man shut up" Shae mumbled

" but I'm just saying if she wasn't dressed than something not adding up. They had just got done having sex" I said . Shae face turned red.

" oh please bitch . We trying to solve mysteries lose the jealousy!" I yelled .

"Babe you good?" Dominique said as she entered the room. She wrapped her arms around my waist from behind and kissed my neck.

" yes bae I'm just trying to figure this shit out man , I'm bout to bury my best friend and I don't even know who killed her" I said as i fell into Dom's embrace .

" how about you let Johnny and Shae go home and get some rest and you can finish your investigation later." She said as her hand traveled up my chest.

" Nah i gotta finish this -

"I wasn't asking you I was telling you" she whispered deeply in my air as her hand grabbed my throat.

"Uh - we can figure this out later" i said to both Johnny and Shae who got up and left with out even asking questions .

I turned to face Dom and planted my lips against hers. Damn her lips were like clouds. She picked me up and i wrapped my legs around her tightly.
My body had already reached  Ecstasy as i became anxious on what would happen next ..

Lmfao HEY GUYS SO I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT IM GOING TO DO AND ITS UNEXPECTED AND WHAT NUN OF YALL WANT! I was gonna give y'all a sex scene but I'm high asf and would mess it up so i got y'all tomorrow... maybe 😭 this was just a filler and a gift for helping me. I really do appreciate y'all and I'm thinking about doing some kind of giveaway 🤦🏾‍♀️ or something . Thanks fr y'all ❤️

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