Chapter 6

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"Get in bitches were going dyking!" Johnny yelled to Syd and Shae.
I couldn't believe I agreed to ride with them. Honestly I didn't have any friends so riding with them would be better than looking lonely . No one knows about what happened between me and Brittany and I planned on keeping it that way.

My eyes glanced over at Syd as she walk to the car with the goofiest smile on her face . Dispite anything , she always seem to smile. She was nicely put together , I'm not going to even lie she looked good.

" Issa snack" she said while jumping in the back seat . My face flushed red from embarrassment.

" hey y'all" spoke a soft spoken Shae.
"Hey" I said lowly still embarrassed at being caught staring .

" wassup nigga , you ready to get plenty of pussy?" Johnny said while looking back at Shae

" nah I got somebody" she said but she didn't say it confidently .

"And that somebody ain't here-

Next thing you know Shae had a tight grip on Johnny hair from the seat behind the driver seat . I was so in shocked I didn't even think to help my cousin. Nah I'm lying , I was laughing.

"Watch your fucking mouth brah" Shae said between teeth . Her soft toned voice turned deep and raspy . This was a side I didn't think this pretty-baby face ass stud would have.

" chill suh" Johnny wined our. Shae let go of hair immediately before plopping down into the seat.

"Sorry, I'm just sensitive" Shae said while plopping in her seat

" I literally just wet the whole driver seat, like literally it's wet . My pussy just got so wet" Johnny said while pulling out into the road.

" dont mind her Johnny , she just got a lot going on " Syd said

"No seriously I don't mind at all, like literally it's wet" Johnny said causing the the everybody in the car to bust out in laughter.The next 30 minutes was spent talking and laughing , not me of course.


We pulled up to one of my many houses but I used this one to throw parties. Although I was throwing the party , I never had to do anything to put plans into motions . I left it to Sasha and she never disappoints me. I sent a text to Sasha letting her know that I had arrived . I could see people forming out side seconds later after I sent the text . They where keenly waiting for my arrival . There was a long red carpet rolled out in the middle of the walk way . Diamonds were encrusted on the ropes that stood beside the rug. Sasha really out did her self this time . I grew annoyed once I realized I would be walking in with B2gay . The press was going to be covering this event heavy , I don't need them fucking my image up.

" listen, I need y'all to act civilized as possible . This is a big event . I know y'all ain't use to shit but please don't embarrass me " I pleaded from the passenger seat .

" aye yi Captain!" Syd said . I looked over at Shae who had her hand to her head like a soldier and a straight face . I stared at them blankly before they both busted out laughing .

" no forreal y'all, the press be on this shit heavy . The always looking for some shit to start a rumor about . Don't even enjoy y'all self just stand as if your picture is being taken . This is a rich man game , y'all gotta learn to play it" Johnny said while hopping out of the car and coming over to my side . Cameras instantly started flashing and I could here screams of thirsty women trying to get my attention.

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