Chapter 12

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The interrogation.
Dom pov

We sat in the room waiting for the guards to escort Jah out . The room was silent . It was me , Shae , Syd and Johnny . I was able to pull some strings to get us to speak with Jah face to face . Ever sense Syd went to visit her she's been nagging me about getting a private visit where there's nobody listening . So i made it happened .

The door swung open reveling two guards and a female in a jumpsuit , who i was guessing was Jah.

" y'all got 30 minutes" one of the guards said as he uncuffed Jah.

Jah came over joining us at the table as the guards left the room.

" some of you dykes look real unfamiliar" jah said as she looked between me and Johnny.

" this is my girl friend Dom and our friend and Dom's cousin Johnny" Sydney said in attempt of trying to ease the tension in the room.

" oh Kay and why the fuck are they here!" Jah said with her voice rising a few tones.

" yeah you gonna have to bring your voice level down" Johnny said as she clenched her fist. I shot her a look . She needed to remember why we was here . This wasn't about us . We was just here for support .

"Anyways , tell us the truth Jah . What happened that night?" Shae said .

"Shae ain't you tired of chasing after somebody who will never love you ? We all know who Journey belongs to." Jah said with a cocky smile on her face.

" you honestly you think you have a chance after beating her over the head with a gun after you took her virginity ?"  Shae said as she sat up in her chair .

" probably, Journey knew i wasn't shit before and still fucked me." Jah said with a smirk on her face.

Next thing you know Shae was flying across the table but Johnny immediately grabbed her easing Shae into her lap.

" calm down man" Johnny said to Shae between teeth ( a/n 🙃😉😋) . 

" fuck y'all the only way I'm telling y'all my side of the story is if y'all get me out this bitch!" Jah said .

"Oh hell Nah and why should we do that" Syd yelled while standing to her feet.

"Sit" i said . Causing everybody to turn in look at me . Maybe cause it was the first time I've spoke sense we've been in here .

Sydney immediately sat back down.

Jah chuckled, " I know your little girl friend has money , we always see her on the TVs in here . I'm sure she could pull the same strings that get her to private visit and get me out!" Jah yelled

" first of all , lower your tone. Second of all, considered it done ." I said as i pulled out my phone to make a call.

" excuse me" i said as i stepped out into the hall way .

Jah pov

Honestly never expected to see Shae and Syd again after what happened . In here they were begging for my side of the story. I've been in prison for some shit I ain't do for a while and this is the first time I'm seeing my " friends" came to see me and it hurts . I know zone thing though , I'm leaving with them if i tell my side of the story.

" go ahead tell the story!!" Syd yelled.
I cleared my throat as i began to speak .

" The last time I seen Journey is when we had sex. I went into the bathroom to shower. Someone came in with a mask on and hit me over my head and when I awoke I was under arrest.  I tried to call y'all but nobody answered . When Syd came up here the other day is when i found out Journey was in a coma . I've been left out from anything pertaining the case sense I've been in here . I've been denied lawyers and all." I said speaking honestly . I knew they wasn't going to buy t though

" bull fucking shit!" Syd yelled while slamming her hands on the table.

" Nah not at all . Real rap." I️ said as I shrugged my shoulders

" okay so explain the folder with Journeys parents in it !" Shae said .

I shrugged my shoulders again , " somebody was trying to kill me , that's why I didn't wanna get to close to her. When i found out her parents murdered my brother and changed the game . I thought her parents were coming after me next but I was wrong" i said .

" and how were you wrong?" Syd asked .

" because kaitlyn killed her parents" I️ said .

The room went quite . From the look on everybody's face that was new news.

" y'all didn't know that? Kaitlyn was in booking with me."  I said .

" Nah this shit not adding up man" Shae said

" Nah I'm for real . We was in here together for a while but one day she disappeared. I figured she used some of that money she had hidden to get the hell out" i said.

Everybody mouth dropped .

" what" i said

" bru kaitlyn is dead" Syd said slowly.

My heart sunk to the bottom to my stomach. When Kaitlyn was in here with me we actually got close after she tried to kill me 100 Times . I explained to her that i was being targeted and she soon realized So was she . I guess that's why Syd and Shae are sitting here now . They're being targeted too.

" she's dead?!" I yelled with tears in my eyes . I couldn't help to think that this all my fault.

" yeah man she committed suicide . I found her body" Syd said in a low tone.

" bruh this a lot and shit not adding up . Why would kaitlyn kill her parents , why are people targeting you and if it wasn't you who I️ shot the day i came in then who was it?" Shae said .

" my twin brother" i said as I shrugged .

"Oh hell Nah , ain't he suppose to be dead !" Syd said.

" yeah but he survived . Now he's targeting all of us" i said .

" but why all of us though" Shae said confused .

" because Journey parents tried to kill him. He came to me one day telling me his plan but i told him he was crazy and I didn't want any parts, he threatened me and anybody who was around me. He decided that killing journey would be extra beneficial sense I loved her and she was his "murder" daughter." I said .

"Oh kay so let me get this straight " Johnny said

"  you and Journey was a thing or whatever . Journey parents "murdered" your brother . In spite , he  survived and asked you to help, but you said no so he is now targeting not just y'all but me and Dom. That night you took Journeys virginity you was attacked in the bathroom and ended up being booked with Journeys dead sister Kaitlyn ? Now your in here and your crazy ass look alike is on the lose ?" Johnny said .

" basically" was all i said .

" Nah this too much" Johnny said as she left the room.

The room went quite before Shae and Syd got up to leave too as well.


So my chapters are going to get a little shorter 😂 I'm going somewhere with this , I don't want to confuse y'all.

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