Chapter 16

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Shae POV

We rushed to the hospital after receiving the video from Journey. Things still hadn't registered to me and I honestly was in denial. The car ride was quite. Guilt filled the bottom of my gut as I thought about what had just took place between me and Johnny not to long ago. I felt dirty. Tears left my eyes but I swiped them away quickly before anybody could see.

"Shae were here" Johnny said causing me to snap out of my thoughts
" oh yeah.." I mumbled under my breath as I step out the car to join the other walking into the direction of the hospital.

As soon as I stepped into the hospital It felt different . That cold-depressed feeling had left the atmosphere. The nurses smiled at us harder then they had before . The laughter in the air was louder and everybody seem to be chippy. That only made me more nervous. Could it really be journey causing this joy ?

We walked into the hospital room. I was last to go in. Journey sat on the side of her bed swinging her feet back and forth . She still wore her hospital gown. Her eyes lit up like Christmas lights when she seen us.

" did you guys bring food?!" She said eagerly .
Syd went over to her handing her a bag of American deli.

" here nigga" syd said while giving her a smile.
" damn bro I miss ya slinky body ass , I would get up to hug you but you got all these strangers in my room. And ya know this ass fat and hanging out this gown ya digg?" Journey said as she dove into her food.

" bitch ya ass flatter then a deflated pillow" syd said before wrapping her arms around Journey and pulling her up for a hug. Sniffles filled the air as they hugged for like ever. There hug was interrupted by Dom clearing her throat.

" oh my bad" syd said as she looked back at Dom and Johnny.

" Journey this is Dom my girlfriend and Johnny Dom cousin also my friend . Y'all this is the infamous Journey." Syd said as she pointed to Dom and then Johnny .

" the pleasure is mine" Dominique said as she stepped forward to Journey holding her hand out towards Journey.

Journey looked up from Dom hands and in-between Dom and Sydney . Her eyes lowered to Syds collar.

" that's cute" Journey said as she poked at the collar. Syd face flushed red as she shooed Journey hand away playfully .

" so what you a submissive now?" Journey said as she relaxed on the bed .

"Anyways let's not talk about my love life- how are you feeling ? Do you know how long you been in a coma ? You was suppose to die Journey" syd said as she sat next to Journey on the bed. I was still standing at the door like an idiot .

"Yeah.. somebody was here though , somebodies been here. It was like I was stuck in a bad dream. I could hear y'all . I could hear everything but I couldn't respond . I appreciate you guys so much for being here for me . I couldn't ask for better friends . What awoken me was a kiss. Somebody kissed me in my sleep. It was like life was being breathed into me again. Who was it ?" Journey eyes roamed the room and fell on me. The corner of her lips frowned and her eyes lowered .

"Shae?" She said in a low tone.

" I didn't kiss you Journey" I answered back nervously.

The room suddenly got quite .

" um you guys don't mind if I talk to Shae .. alone"Journey said as she twiddle through her dreads.

" not even" syd said before motioning for Dom and Johnny to leave the room with her. My stomach instantly swarmed with butterflies. A lump had now formed in my throat.

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