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I wrapped my arms tighter around myself and let out a long breath. I watched the warm air from my lungs turn to smoke in the air. I could only hear the breeze whipping past me and my chattering teeth. This is terrible. I was exhausted, freezing, starving, and completely lost. My puffer coat wasn't doing me any justice either. My legs had become numb over the last few hours, causing me to slow down. The only things I had seen for miles were snow and trees. The sun had set hours ago, only causing the temperatures to drop even more. I was starting to lose the small amount of hope that I had left when snow began to fall.

If I hadn't decided to go on this trip to Alaska to stay with my aunt, maybe I would be home cuddled up to my boyfriend right about now. The thought of Jaxon made more tears form in my eyes. I could only blink them away and force myself to keep walking through the snow. My eyes squinted, trying to see what was ahead but it was no use because the snow started to fall heavily. The amount of trees had increased and I could barely see what was in front of me anymore. After a while I couldn't find the strength in me to walk anymore. I slowly dropped onto my knees and began crawling. I wanted to get out of here. I needed to get out of here. I refuse to die like this. I couldn't be a decaying body in the middle of nowhere.

Even though I told myself to keep going, I had to stop. I stopped crawling and sat myself in the snow. I looked around while trying to catch my breath. There was nothing I could use to help get me out of this. I give up. I am hurt and I'm sure there was no thing or body for miles that could help me. My breathing was wild and I didn't even feel anything anymore. I began to give out so I laid down on my side. My hood couldn't shield the snow from landing on my face. I hope they will find me when I'm dead. I wish that my soul would go up into Heaven if it was real. My eyelids began to close. It was my time to go. There was a slight glow coming from behind a tree. I did my best to focus on it. After a few seconds, my sight improved and I figured out that they were two yellow eyes staring right at me. They held my gaze for a few seconds then slowly walked up to me. As it came closer I saw that it was a large black wolf that walked with grace and authority.

I became alarmed and tried to crawl away. I only made it a few inches before I fell again. I was as good as dead now. All I could do was watch as the massive wolf stalked towards me. My eyelids started to close again while the wolf was only a few feet away. Why couldn't God bless me with a painless death? The wolf stood right above me before my eyelids shut for good.

My back hurts. My arms hurt. Everything is in horrible pain. I arch my back, hearing the bones in my spine crack. So I wasn't dead. The floor under me was cold and hard. I tried to move my arms but they wouldn't budge. Instead, my ears were welcomed by the sound of chains. I sit up taller and pull my arms once again to make sure I wasn't imagining things. When the chains echoed through the room again, I knew this was my reality.

I couldn't see a thing. The room was pitch black and I looked around, hoping to see some sort of light. Sadly, I couldn't find anything. I curled up into a ball and tried not to cry. Would I ever make it back home? I didn't even get to say a proper goodbye. I put my head down and let the tears fall down my face. Why did this happen to me? I didn't do anything to deserve this. I saw a light appear in the corner of my eye. I snapped my head to the source of light. There was a tall figure standing in the doorway. The person seemed to be at least six feet tall. Whoever it was, they were abnormally large.

They stepped into the room and shut the door behind them. I cowered as far away from them as I could out of fear that they would hurt me. I heard a light switch flip on. The darkness in the room vanished under the illumination of the light. I looked up and looked at the man who had stepped into the room. His hair was brown, curly and stopped right at his shoulders. His facial expression didn't give off a happy look. At all.

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