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"FUCKIN' DAM." I yelled in anger. My fist slammed on the wall, making a bang. The first month of Overwatch and we are already in trouble. What was I expecting? I expected a calm easy war against some omnics, not FUCKING THIS.
I looked up slowly, at the wall of course. My eyes focusing on the wall, how I seen only a few scratch marks and a small dent. I looked at my fist, seeing how red it were. A nice bruise after. Sweet.
After looking around, I thought It would be a better chance of finding Hanzo and Jack if I just walked around screaming. But I also wanted to be stealthy. By the time I would find them is when they would be dead or gone to Europe. "Shit." I mumbled. I tucked my hair back behind my ears.
I'm done, I will use all of my strength and will to find them both.
Suddenly, a hand grasped my shoulder. I turned around in fear of it might be-
"T-TRACER?!" I screamed as I cocked my hand back in shock. She looked out of breath, knowingly she would do that flashy thing with her thing-of-a-bobber. "You scared me there darlin'!" I huffed, wiping my forehead dry of sweat.

Lana placed her pistols in her sides, like some magnetic shit. "I reckoned you needed help! I've brought me friend Frank with me! He has a first aid pack on him and is training with Angela to be a combat medic!" She turned to the side, so I could get a glimpse of em'. Frank smiled, his eyes were dark brown, and his hair in dreads, tied back into a bun. He had a small bread tuft on his chin.
"Halló, hello. I'm Franklin." He flicked his hand towards me.
"Uh, hello. Where ya from partner?" I asked
"Iceland, I'm wery (very) excited to meet you. I'we (I've) heard a lot about you." He smirked.
I nodded, placing my hand on my gun.
"So what's the plan?" I said.
Lana looked at Franklin then back at me. "Erm. I'm not to sure. I pretty sure we are getting backup anyhow." She said, "I've been talking to Winston. He has eyes on us." She said confidently.
I felt relieved.
"I wouldn't leave you behind buddy. Now let's go hunt down these bad guys and end this once in for all." She smirked.

"It's been tvo (two) hours, Lana... Ve (we) hawen't seen anyone and ve searched every hallvay and door." Franklin sat down on a bench. He started getting nervous, playing with a hole in his black pants.
"We mustn't give up!" I said, encouraging him. "If they have left, we would've heard somebody come down this hallway.
The hallway had lead to a dock, where ships came to export materials and weapons. As well as a helicopter pad.
I looked down the hallway, towards the entrance of the hallway. It was narrow.
"I- don't know Jesse." Lana said, her voice was shallow. "Franklins right. They could be gone." She said, looking up at me.

"So you are just going to abort the mission and leave Morrison out there?!" I shouted at her. Tracer seemed to not react to it.
It was too silent, you could've heard the  waves crashing along the cliff from here.

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