Being Lizzy Payne

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**In this story, Liam only has one sister, Lizzy. I'm sorry but Ruth and Nicola do not exist in this FanFiction. This is my first story I've written so sorry if it isn't too great but, I will do my best to improve with every chapter. I hope you enjoy Being Lizzy Payne :)**

Chapter 1 

Hi, I'm Lizzy Delilah Payne. Yes, Payne as in Liam Payne from One Direction. I am his little sister, even though 18 isn't so little anymore. My life used to be normal. I used to wake up every morning, have coffee, go to school, hang out with friends. Pretty much do everything normal teenagers do. But, that didn't last long.

When I was 14, Liam got his big break on The X-Factor and my life got turned upside down. You're probably thinking, he's the one that became a huge popstar, what does that have to do with you? Well, many people don't realize that their families have to make just as many sacrifices as they do. I suddenly had to keep secrets from my friends and lie to make sure not to release the wrong information to the wrong person.

But the worst part is being away from Liam. We are eachothers best friends. I would come home everyday and tell him absolutely everything. I never had any problems giving him all the details because I knew that no matter what, he would be there for me and love me. At first, I would come running in the front door expecting him to be sat on the sofa in front of the telly or in his room flipping through some new book but then, reality hit. 

Some days are better than others. Some days I barely think of the fact that he is gone and think of all the good he is doing for our family and for the world. Other days, I become selfish. I sit in my room and scream into my pillows. Asking why, wondering when I will see him again, and just cry. Nobody knows but, I even started cutting. It took away my thoughts of him and made me focus on my physical pain.

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Today is an amazing day. Today is the day Liam comes home from his recent work travels. He will be home until the Where We Are Tour begins in April. 

"Lizzy! It's time to go!" Mum yells from the base of the stairs. 

I thought about dressing up a little but then i though again and relized it's just Liam. I decided on some simple high wasted black jeans with a black crop top with daisies printed on it and finally my white high top Converse. 

"Coming Mum!" I come down the stairs to see my Mum and Dad patiently waiting.

"Hurry! Don't want to be late to the airport. Their flight is schedule to land in 20 minutes. Let's go." Dad hops in the driver seat while Mum sits in the front and of course all that's left for me is the backseat. Not so fond of it but right now, all I can think about is seeing Liam.

When we arrive at the airport I could not sit still. We have been sitting here waiting for over 15 minutes and I was getting anxious.

"Calm down, love. He'll be here soon. The flight only landed three minites ago." 

"Sorry, Mum. I've just missed him so much and-THEY'RE HERE!!" I saw the five boys over Mum's shoulder and i immediatly jumped up and ran over to Liam. When I reached him, he dropped all his bags and I jumped into his arms. My emotions took over me and before I knew it, I was crying.

Liam heard me sniffling and softly pulled out of my tight embrace."Oh Lizzy. Don't cry. I'm home now and I'm not going anywhere for a long while."

" I know I just missed you so much. "

" I missed you too. I also missed Mum and Dad. Think you could let me go so I can give them some attention?'

I laughed and pushed him over to my parents. Before I had time to catch a breath I was attacked by my four 'brothers'.

"I love you guys but, you're kind of hurting me." They got the hint and loosened their grip around me.

I got more personal reunions from everyone. Starting with Louis. "LIZZY! I'm so happy to see you! Miss me?"

"Actually, I didn't even notice you were gone," I said sarcastically earning a frown from the sassmaster.

"How about you forget about Louis and come get a Horan Hug?" I pried Louis off of me and accepted Niall's embrace. His hugs really are the best.

"My turn, my turn." Harry squeezed himself in between Niall and I then giving me a bone crushing hug. 

"Ow Harry. Maybe a little too tight?" I pulled myself away. "I missed you too Haz."

Leave it to Zayn to stay out of it and wait for me to come to him. "Are you really just going to stand there? Come give me a hug you twat!" Zayn chuckles and embraces me in a much needed gentle hug."Better now?" he asks. 


Finally my Dad spoke up, "Everyone up for some dinner? Nando's?"

In a split second he earned a chorus of YES and we started walking out to the van. I felt someone put their arm around my waist. I look up and it was none other than my big brother. 

"I'm so glad you're home." He pulled me into his side and placed a soft kiss on the top of my head. 

"Me too. I love you Lizzy."

"I love you too Liam. To the moon and back."

In that moment I thought, will I finally be happy again?

Being Lizzy PayneWhere stories live. Discover now