Chapter 18 : The Painful Truth

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Two Weeks Later

**Lizzy's POV**

Things have been great since Harry and I worked it all out. We decided that our feelings for one another are too strong to ignore. He's been sneaking me out almost every night to either go out to dinner or to a movie or to just hang out at his flat. Seeing him this much just makes my feelings even stronger but it hurts that much more having to hide it from everyone. Tonight all of the boys, along with Gianna and I, are going to Funky Buddha and I'm hoping Harry and I will be able to keep our distance. As long as he stays with Zayn, on the other side of the club, we won't have any problems.

Gianna has been acting weird lately. She hardly comes over anymore and when I text her she gives me bullshit excuses and one word answers. I asked Niall to see if she had told him anything but apparently she's been avoiding him too. I'm going to talk to her tonight before she drinks the whole bar.

At The Club - 1AM

I haven't had a chance to talk to Gianna yet because the second she walked in here, Niall grabbed her and pulled her out onto the dance floor. I followed them and got us some drinks and now I'm awkwardly dancing while the two of them are grinding on each other.

I look across the room at Harry and want nothing more than to go over to him and dance with him and show everyone that he's mine but I can't. I start walking over to him to tell him that I want to go but my actions are interuppted by two hands grabbing my hips from behind and a deep voice whispering in my ear.

"Where do you think you're going beautiful? You're coming home with me now."

I immediately recognize the voice and my body becomes paralyzed in fear.

"Ethan. Let me go." I try to pull away from my ex boyfriend's grasp but his grip only becomes tighter. I pray that Harry or Gianna will turn around and see me but I had no such luck. He turns me around to face him and grabs both my arms to be sure I can't get away.

"It's such a shame that you got away. I wouldn't have done that if I were you."

I felt tears form in my eyes as the reality of his words set in. "Ethan. Please just let me go. This isn't fair." His grip became tighter around my arms and I immediately knew I had made him angry.

"Not fair?! It's not fair that you left me, Lizzy! But that's never going to happen again. I won't allow it! Now let's get out of here before someone sees. You need to be taught a lesson in private."

I don't say a word. I just stare at the floor and let him lead me out of the club.

**Gianna's POV**

As I continued to dance with Niall, I felt all the weight from my problems at home lift off of my shoulders. I tell Niall that I am going to get another drink and I turn away to look for Lizzy but she isn't next to me anymore. I turn my head and scan the crowd and my eyes land on her and I begin to panic from what I see.

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