Chapter 1

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Chapter 1
5 years later
Cassandra's POV
  "Cass, you know Batman Tim and I can handle this, there's no reason for you my dad or any other cop to get yourselves hurt out there looking for this maniac."
  Barbara said through the earpiece she had given me when I joined the force a year ago. I was out late patrolling my designated area. The hope was that I might run into someone who knew anything about the recent killings around Gotham. Sure everyone killed was either a drug dealer or a pimp but still people were dying, and who was to say this guy wasn't a psycho who would eventually kill an innocent person. I thought back to what i witnessed yesterday night. That's what was really worrying Barbra. Her father, Commissioner Gordon, and I happened to stumble upon six dead bodies. Living in Gotham, I'd seen more than my fair share of corpses, including my boyfriend, Jason, but this was different. These bodies were all missing their heads. It was only by finger print that we managed to identify them as some of the higher up's in Gotham's underground drug world. Not the head honchos but just underneath. It had taken all my concentration not to hurl and I had nightmares about it all that night.
  "I know that Bar- er I mean Oracle but still I have to help somehow, it's my job." I replied.
  Barbara sighed knowing it was no use trying to convince me otherwise. I could be pretty stubborn, something she should be used to by now as Batman's assistant.
  "Fine just please don't hesitate to call for help if you need it. You're like a sister to me and Tim And Bruce...I know he has a hard time showing it but I know he really cares about you."
  I sighed, Bruce wasn't the only one who had a hard time showing affection, but the thing was we both understood why. We both had lost someone we loved to this cruel world. It made it really hard to get in touch with our feelings. Sometimes it was easier to be hard. Which is why it made Barbra's confession so uncomfortable for me. I cared about her too, she was my best friend. But letting her know that was just setting me up to get hurt. I wasn't always this way. Suddenly I heard the thud of a very large body land on the concrete right behind me. I turned quickly aiming my gun at the intruder only to see the one and only Dark Knight standing behind me. I breathed a sigh of relief and put the gun down.
  "A little warning would've been nice."
  "Oracle is right Cassandra. You shouldn't be out here by yourself." he said in a hard voice ignoring my comment. His earpiece must be connected to mine.
  "yeah well my shift ends in an hour, I'll head back then." I said not looking at him.
  He continued to stand there motionless, waiting for me to go back the way I'd come.
  "Seriously Batman let me do my job." I said stubbornly.
  "Jesus Cassie can't you just listen to him. I swear sometimes you sound just like-"
  Barbra stopped mid sentence when she realized what she was about to say. Just like Jason. I winced, that never failed to hurt. its been 5 years since Jason was killed but it still hurt as bad as the night I watched him die. I doubted there would ever be a time it didn't hurt. Batman shifted uncomfortably, The wound still hurt him too, he was just better at hiding it, but I was really good at reading people.
  I sighed, "fine I'll go home."
  Barbra sighed in relief but Batman showed no such reaction. Instead he nodded, turned and grappled away. I shook my head and started to head back to my car.
  "nice seeing you too."
  Moments later right before I reached my car I heard a noise. I quickly went into defense mode. my gun up and aimed at whatever might be out there.
   "who's there" I said. Just then two silhouettes emerged from the darkness.
  "we'll look what we've got here." one them said in a sleazy tone.
  "yeah, not everyday we see a cute cop in this town."
  "don't fuck with me tonight boys I've been looking to fight someone all night.
  " I said. I really wasn't in the mood for formalities.
  "ooh this ones feisty Rico." the other man laughed,
  "yeah well let's see how feisty she is when I tie her up and make her my little bitch."
   I sneered at them. I was this close to just busting a cap in their sorry asses. Or better yet, I'd be more than happy to kick their asses old school. they had no idea who they were messing with. I smiled wickedly and put the gun back in its strap.
  "alright boys go ahead, come at me." I said.
  They both laughed but started to circle around me.
  "I wouldn't if I were you." said a deep voice from above.
  It caught the two men off guard as they looked up trying to find the owner of the mysterious voice. I took that as my chance to roundhouse kick one of the men in the head.
  he fell to the ground holding his head, "fuck! you bitch!" "hey!" said the other man as he lunged at me but before he could touch me, another person swung down and kicked him square in the chest. He landed on his feet and faced me, he was wearing a red mask, a brown leather jacket with a black t-shirt underneath and dark jeans. I was too busy looking at him amazed when suddenly the man I'd kicked shouted
  "you're gonna pay for that doll face." the man in the red mask pushed me roughly out of the way.
  I landed on my butt and back against a dirty dumpster and watched as the red mask guy beat the crap out of the two men singlehanded. It was amazing, it was obvious he'd been trained and trained well. His fluid movements never missed a beat. He easily took the two men down and had them begging for mercy. He paid them no mind and instead took out two black desert eagles and shot them without so much as a flinch. I gasped at the sound. The man then turned after putting his guns away and he reached his hand out as if to help me. Instead I aimed my own gun at him. His hands immediately went up, surprised.
  "Who the hell are you?!" But my question was never answered because just then two familiar looking batarangs flew passed me and almost hit the masked man.
   "Hey!" a young voice called.
  It's Tim, I thought. Red Mask quickly dodged them and grappled away without another word.
  "Cassie! Are you okay?" Tim asked.
  He was dressed as Robin right then and I addressed him as such. no one else knew that I knew the Bat Family's real identities.       
  "Yeah I think so, thanks Robin."
  "No problem Cass but Batman's gonna be pissed when he finds out I let that guy get away."
  Despite the worry in his voice Robin flashed me a kind smile. There was no denying Tim was cute, but he was too young, 16. About the same age Jason was when he died. Barbra however at 19 didn't seem to think so. I dusted myself off and looked down at the two dead men. although i wasn't particularly sorry they were dead, it did make my life a little harder, besides I really wasn't about killing anyone, just beating the shit out of them if they deserved it.
  "I have to get these two out of here," I said.
  I was surprised at the annoyance in my voice. After all my life was just saved, but I had it under control. Then some creep in a red mask comes in and kills them. I guess I should've thanked him, but it hadn't seemed appropriate what with my aiming a gun at him. But I had to wonder why the hell did he save me? And why did he seem...strangely familiar? I shook my head.
  "sorry what did you say Robin?"
  Robin chuckled, "I was saying you should probably get home, Batman will have a cow if he knew you were still out here. don't worry about the bodies, I'll handle it."
  l found myself nodding. I was dead tired, I smirked at the irony.
  "Okay, but let me know if you find out anything about that guy."
  "yeah for sure besides Batman is gonna wanna ask you some questions about him but that can wait until tomorrow, you just get some rest. You did well officer." he said with a cheesy smile.
  I nodded and got in my patrol car and headed home.
  Once I got home I stripped down and headed towards my shower.
  when I got in I put the water as hot as I could stand. I couldn't shake this strange feeling like I'd seen that guy in the red mask before. But how could I? I didn't even see his face. I guess the way he fought off those thugs reminded me of Jason...
  it was a few years back. I was 15 years old and wandering around at night looking for something to do. wandering in places I shouldn't have. I'd ended up getting myself into a situation much like tonight. my fists were up I was so ready to beat that smirk off the asshole's face despite the fact that I was scared shitless when Batman and the Boy Wonder came bustin in. Their teamwork was incredible, I couldn't believe I was witnessing these two heroes work. When the job was finished, Batman had Robin make sure I was okay.
  "Hey, you alright?" for some reason I was nervous. not many boys my age caught my attention but then I'd never been saved by any of them. Robin had this air of confidence that drew me in. borderline cocky but I guess the Boy Wonder had good reason to be.
  "yeah, I think so, thanks." he smiled kindly.
  "no problem, all part of the job."
  I smirked, "are you always this cheesy?"            
  He laughed, "no to be honest but then I've never met a girl as tough as you."
  " i half expected you to say pretty." I said jokingly.
  he smiled again, "that too." I chuckled and maybe even blushed a little.
"how about I take you home."
  I looked up surprised, "part of the job?"
  Robin smirked, "not exactly."
  15 minutes later and I was back in my room. Robin had been a bit of a show off and snuck me into my room using what he called his super cool ninja skills. once he saw he I was comfortable he started to make his way to my window.
  "wait." I said. he hesitated and turned.
  "will I see you again?" I asked. this guy was funny and really smart I wasn't ready to just let him leave, I didn't even know his real name.
  "I don't know. I'd like to but-" I shook my head.
  "c'mon Batman doesn't let you have friends?" I asked.
  he shook his head sheepishly, "not really." I walked over to stand next to him.
  "then how about we make this our little secret?"
  he slowly smiled and nodded, "sounds fun"
  I smiled widely and stood on my tip toes to kiss him on the cheek.
  "my names Cassandra by the way." I looked at him expectedly.
  "I can't tell you my name, not yet. not just for me but you too. it's too dangerous."
  I nodded in understanding. knowing his name would give me a lot of power and bring a lot of danger my way. no doubt there were criminals all over Gotham who would kill to know his and Batman's names. Robin was giving me a chance to exit his world if it turned out I couldn't handle it. but something in me really wanted to be strong enough. I hadn't been in Gotham very long this was my first real connection in this city.
  "okay I understand. so I guess this is goodnight?"
  Robin nodded, "goodnight, can I call you Cassie?" I nodded. he smiled and kissed me on my cheek. I felt my eyes close and my smile get bigger. when I opened them again, he was gone.

I turned the water off in my shower. It was then I noticed that I was crying.

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