Memory 3 | Farewell Hands

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"Flight ticket?" I didn't answer that.

"Wonshik-ah! Where's your flight ticket?" N hyung poked my shoulders from behind.

"Ouch... Hyung! That hurts. The flight ticket is with Kkomae, okay? He said that I might misplace it somewhere so he's holding on to it." I answered my mother-like leader in a whining tone, expecting him to start nagging me for being absent-minded all the time. However, he didn't say a word. Instead, his face suddenly dulled as he sat beside me in silence.

It seemed as though he was contemplating something and it made him sad. Really sad. 

"Hyung... Wae-yo?" I asked in the softest tone as humanly possible, afraid of upsetting the sensitive man further. For which he faintly exhaled before turning towards me. The disappointment was written all over his handsome face. However, it amazed me to see how his lips were still curled upwards despite his eyes screaming otherwise as he answered dully.

"It's just that... It's going to be different from now on, without Kkomae around...  Don't know why but I think things are going to be tougher after this..." He half-whispered his last sentence as his eyes remained glued to the floor. 

Well, I couldn't deny his statement either. To the world, VIXX might be just the six of us but to us, it has always been seven. Kkomae has been both our manager and big brother ever since we debuted. Although we can be quite a handful at times, he had always known the means to handle us. And of course, things are definitely going to be different from now on without him around.

Especially to N hyung, who was the closest one with Kkomae. As our leader, N hyung managed us all very well and he never stopped caring for us despite having his own responsibilities. Meanwhile, Kkomae managed N hyung and made sure he was happy and healthy all the time. So, his emotions at the moment were understandable. Gently, I took N hyung's hands in mine as I spoke my mind. 

"Dang-yeonhaji! Kkomae is VIXX's unofficial 7th member and his departure is definitely going to leave some space in our hearts." N hyung leaned on me, placing his warm cheeks on my shoulder. He sighed.

"Keuchi? Ehmm... Who's going to manage us as he did after this?" His voice slightly cracked at the end and I couldn't stand seeing him down like that. VIXX was my family and I could never accept if anyone of my members is sad. Definitely not N hyung who's like the mother of our group. It broke my heart. 

"Who said so? VIXX still has you! We've always had you, hyung! You've been the best leader and big brother who knows us all damn well. You wake each one of us every day, you even make breakfast for us, you know our likes and dislikes better than ourselves. You've been the #1 supporter for every single one of us, you're Taekwoon hyung's best friend, you made Jyani hyung a better dancer, you help Hongbin with acting, you're Hyuk's life guide and definitely you're the one I search when in need of comfort. So tell me now, who else can manage VIXX better than the one and only Cha Hakyeon?"

His face instantly lit up at the intense train of my heartfelt compliments. The grin that grew from his eyes till the tip of his lips was addictively adorable and I felt way happier when I saw his gloomy face bloom in bliss after hearing my words. Honestly, I meant every single word I said and I wanted to make sure that he knew it too.

"Jinja? I can't believe this is coming from you, Wonshik-ah. Am I really the best?"

He held my arm with both of his hands and stared at me with puppy eyes full of expectation. He seemed really touched by my rare but really genuine compliment. That's because, most of the time, it's N hyung who'll shower us with compliments and praises whereas all we did was simply tease him. And although it might sound mean, nothing's more fun and full-filling than annoying our dear loving leader hyung.

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