Chapter Three: Awkward Encounters

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Declan drummed his fingers on the island countertop as he waited for the women to come downstairs. He'd tried counting to one hundred, reciting the preamble to the Constitution, and quoting his favorite poetry. None of it distracted him long enough to forget the way Lux had looked wrapped in that shower curtain or how she'd felt in his arms.

Nothing about Lux's physical appearance resembled Leora. Leora had been slim and petite with fair skin, gold hair, and big blue eyes. She was her name personified. Ironically, her great-great niece also bore a name meaning light, but unlike Leora, Lux was all curves, tall, and bronze with eyes like thunder clouds and hair the color of chestnuts.

But there was something Lux shared with her ancestor. It was the same knowing look in her stormy eyes. Perhaps less jaded, but burdened all the same. And Declan's heart ached because he'd hoped for so much more.

"She'll be down in a minute," Phoebe said, walking into the kitchen.

"Is it wise to leave her alone?"

"The potion worked, right?"

Declan nodded. "It did, and it will ward against other psychological attacks. Did you put the dream sachet under her pillow?"

"I did. If you hadn't been here... She wasn't breathing when we got to her."

"It's further proof that Daphne's visions are coming to fruition. That was a powerful spell, and whoever cast it had to know Lux has a gift for premonition."

She frowned. "What do you mean?"

"That spell takes pieces of a witch's visions and warps them. It turns it into something physical that can harm the seer, but now that I'm awake, my sole mission is to protect her."

Phoebe sighed and offered Declan a sad smile. Even at her age, it was obvious Bella and Lux had her to thank for their fine looks. "I'm grateful you're here. Now, what did you do with my daughter?"

She took a red can from the icebox and popped the top on it before handing it to him. She set another one out for Lux. He took a deep swig and spluttered as the sweet liquid burned his throat.

Coughing, he responded, "I slipped her the suggestio and sent her to work per your instructions. I overheard her telling someone named Dawn that an adverse reaction to the heat had delayed her. I do not know why she has not made it home."

"I may or may not have put a nail in her tire while she was at work," Phoebe admitted. "I needed time to introduce you to Lux, and honestly, I was hoping we might slip Bella another potion to alter her memories."

"I haven't had time to make many since waking, and to brew a potion like the one you need would take more time than a flat tire will buy us. How does she know who I am? You told me she didn't believe in any of this."

Phoebe patted a stray blonde curl back into place. "As a child, Bella was eager to hear the stories of our ancestors. She wanted to be a powerful witch like her great Aunt Leora, even telling me she would be the one to wake the sleeping sorceror. You were hers, she claimed. But then the world got a hold of her and taught her to be ashamed of where she came from. I think it all scares her because she knows it's real."

"But she didn't wake me," Declan began, only stopping because Lux came back in. Her thick, auburn hair now dry and flowing. She wore a fitted tank top and pajama shorts that showed off her long, tan legs. So much skin on display made Declan uncomfortable, but keeping his gaze on her heart-shaped face did nothing to slow his pounding heart.

The doorbell rang again, and Phoebe popped up from her seat. "Finally, the food is here. You two get acquainted; I'll get it." She swept out of the room, leaving Declan to stand awkwardly next to the breakfast island while Lux fiddled with her soda can. He took the time to study the room, if only to keep himself from studying her.

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