Chapter Twelve: Hopeful

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Before Declan could tell the girls more about the Gateway, Bella popped her head in the room. Over the last few days, she pulled herself back together and returned to the immaculate and cold woman he'd first met. He suspected she used her outer appearance as a shield. The sharp twist to her lips as she surveyed the various plants and liquids he'd spread out broadcasted her distaste for their continued insistence her daughter be trained as a witch, despite Lux's inability to choose a channeling stone.

"Lux," Bella addressed her daughter in a clipped tone, "Will you step out here? I need to speak with you."

Lux pushed a piece of auburn hair behind her ear as she walked towards her mother. His sharp eyes caught the slight wobble in her steps. The power surge she'd experienced had taken its toll. She wasn't the first witch he'd seen in this state, but without her stone, these episodes would grow worse.

Their voices grew distant as Bella drew Lux down the hall. The blonde duo sitting in front of him ruined his attempts at eavesdropping.

Despite looking like Sara Elizabeth and Kitty shared family ties, their personalities were polar opposites. Where Kitty was sass and fire, Sara Elizabeth was acid and ice: a combination far more caustic than the other. However, at this moment, they were united by common curiosity.

"Go on," Sara Elizabeth insisted.

"Please," Kitty added on sweetly, cutting her eyes at the other girl. "Can you stop being a bitch for just one second?"

"I could."

"You are such a pain in the ass."

Declan listened to their squabbles and bit back a groan. Getting these girls to work together was going to be a feat of magic in itself. Never had he seen a Circle filled with such contentious women. Then again, most Circles were the product of generations of women growing together through their love and respect for magic and shared history. Many shared familial bonds, but even those who did not were called Sister. They might not always agree, but they knew it was best to put those aside for the greater good. He was beginning to think a silencing spell would best serve the greater good.

Shoving his hands through hair that was sticking straight up by now, he announced, "I will not continue until Lux joins us. I do not wish to tell this tale twice."

"She shouldn't even be allowed to study with us. She's dangerous," Sara Elizabeth said.

Declan recoiled from the vitriol in her voice. "She's your High Priestess."

"Well, that's some bullshit," she growled, "Just because she's born into the right family, she gets to lead us? Even though she's not the most capable?"

Declan had been known for his patience as a child and young man. It's the reason they chose him as High Sorcerer to Leora's High Priestess, but his temper was legendary amongst those who managed to raise it. The twenty-first century was about to see a revival.

"No," he growled, gripping the edges of the table in front of him to stop his anger from becoming physical. "What is bullshit is that you think that you're any more qualified for the role. You've known about your abilities for a couple of months, and you think because you have a star sapphire sitting on your finger you've got it all under control? In Lux's veins runs more power than you could ever dream of. She descends from the First, First Daughter, whose father was an Archangel. But even if she didn't have that. Even if she was the weakest witch in the room, she's more qualified than you because of the love and strength she possesses. Qualities that I have seen no evidence of you possessing."

Sara Elizabeth blinked rapidly, and he spied the tears she was trying to keep from falling. He waited for the first stirrings of guilt, but it didn't come. She needed to be knocked down a peg or two. If not for the good of herself, then for the good of this Circle. He waited for the sharp retort she'd likely been preparing while he was ranting, but she dropped her eyes to her hands and said nothing.

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