Chapter Fifteen: Audra

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Lux blinked once. Twice. Three times before her vision focused. She was in her bed. The ceiling fan turned in lazy circles above her, barely disturbing the air. Turning it to the highest setting would make it tremble until she feared it would come crashing down. Pushing back her comforter, she sat up, rubbing her eyes as she peered around her room with confusion.

The door to the bathroom was cracked, and the shower was running. But Lux didn't remember Kitty spending the night, and Travis was too much of a southern gentleman- although female body parts held no appeal- to shower while she was sleeping in the next room.

"Mama? Memaw?" she called, drawing her legs to the side of the bed, wincing as her muscles protested every movement. The water shut off, but no one answered her call.

Getting up, Lux stumbled to the full-length mirror. A stranger stared back at her. The luster in her hair was gone; the strands hanging heavy and limp down her back. Dark bruises peppered skin that had turned from bronze to sallow, and the lush curves that once padded her tall frame seemed to have diminished overnight. Either her eyes were sinking into her skull, or her cheekbones were pushing through skin too thin to hold them back. She was a hollow girl, a collection of bones in a flesh bag.

The breath she drew in rattled her frame, and she swayed on her feet. Fingers pressed against the mirror, she traced her image and fought the panic that threatened to overwhelm her.


"You okay?"

The voice did not belong to Mama or Memaw, but the disturbance in her soul outweighed any shock Lux felt at seeing a stranger coming out of her bathroom.

"What happened to me?" Not who are you? Lux didn't care.

The girl tightened her grip on the towel covering her petite frame. Hair the color of russet leaves in autumn curled in damp pieces around her round cheeks, pulling out flecks of gold in her brown eyes, and full, berry colored lips were pursed in concern as Lux examined her. She looked like a living doll, but Lux Knew there was nothing fragile about the girl.

Satisfied Lux had looked her fill, the girl replied, "You were roughed up by an incubus."

A vague memory of a seductive song and a crushing grip rose through the murky mists clouding her thoughts. "Is that why I look like death? Did he steal some vital part of me?"

"Umm? You should be sore, and you might have a headache. The calming tincture I used can cause a bit of a hangover. Sorry, potions weren't my best subject, but besides looking like you could use a few more hours of sleep, you look fine."

"Fine?" Lux shouted, turning back to the mirror and gaping. The skin beneath her eyes remained discolored, and the bruises around her neck were just as bright. But she looked as the stranger said. Tired but healthy.

"Let me see about getting the sorcerer up here."

"No. I'm fine. I- I guess my mind was playing tricks on me. Speaking of, who are you?"

"Name is Audra," the girl explained. "I'd offer to shake your hand, but then I'd risk losing my towel, and I usually like to get to know a person before flashing them."

"Appreciated. But I still don't know who you are."

"I just told you," Audra said. "The answer you want is to the question, 'what are you doing in my room?'"

Lux drew in a breath and resisted the urge to roll her eyes. "Go on."

"Considering you were unconscious last night, you missed my introduction. I'm the newest member of your Circle."

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