Chapter 14: Hypnosis

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~Karina's POV~

We went around frantically trying to find Katrina. It was by the afternoon when we almost gave up and headed back to the hut. But then we heard a voice.

"Karina?" I looked over to the sound of the voice. "Karina!" It was Katrina. I ran over to her dropping items on the way. I hugged her long and tight. I looked at Arkin. He looked kinda happy to see our reunion.

"Let's go home." Katrina said happily. Arkin nodded and followed us to the house. We ate and talked until the dark. I fell asleep quickly knowing now that my sister was safe. My sleep didn't last for long. I woke up to a girl that looked just like Katrina.

"Katrina?" I asked, "what are you doing, I'm trying to sleep." Why was she waking me up when I just went to bed one hour ago?

"That wasn't me!" Katrina said. "It was Raquelle."


"Don't trust anyone, even Arkin." Katrina said. "We have to leave now." I quickly got ready for the day ahead. I packed everything I needed.

"Can we go and kill Raquelle in her sleep?" I asked.

"No, she can't be harmed. She can disappear into thin air then reappear behind you to watch your death." Katrina said. "Believe me I tried." I was frustrated. I couldn't kill her. She could kill me but I couldn't kill her. "Let's go." Katrina said. We started to walk out the door until Katrina yelled to me, "Karina! Watch out!" But I was a bit too late. A sharp dagger got shot into my right shoulder, and I collapsed to the ground.

~Katrina's POV~

I watched as Raquelle talked to a guy and Karina. He seemed to get along with Raquelle, but Karina looked like she was also fine which surprised me. I heard her say the name Arkin, and assumed that that was his name. Arkin. That name sounded familiar from somewhere... something... or someone? I saw that Karina didn't suspect a thing. I tried to stay afloat, but my energy was running out. I needed food...

My head kept bobbing up and down in the goop. Every once in awhile I would see Raquelle around, everyone getting along. But I just wanted to scream in Karina's ear, ¨Go! She's not safe! Leave, Karina, please!¨ But just like Raquelle had said, she couldn't hear me. No matter how loud my lungs could scream, I would always just end up with a bit of Raquelle in me everytime.

As I kept on watching, One scene struck me. Arkin and Raquelle were talking together in the loft at night while Karina was asleep. I had kept watching and watching, trying to stay afloat. My body felt sore, I hadn't slept for a day. Have not eaten, either. But when you get stranded in the wild with your sister, having to stay awake for 1 day without food or sleep wasn't too bad. Anyway, I was watching Raquelle and Arkin talk in the loft.

"Arkin, do you have Karina in trust of you? You know this is a crucial part of our plan."

"Yes, sister. She trusts me, and doesn't suspect a thing. I'll lure her to the lair tomorrow. Hide in the soul room. I'll be there." The blood drained out of my face at the knowledge that my sister was going to get hurt. She was the only family member I knew of currently that was still alive.

"No! Karina!!!" I swam to the portal. Magically, waves started pushing me away from the portal, harder and harder. But I couldn't give up now. I used the rest of my energy, storming to the portal. I swallowed heaps of goop, but once I managed to stick my hand into the portal, I realized that there wasn't anything to grip onto, so I abandoned the portal to go to my sheath of now and arrows in the distance. Once I got hold of it, I went back to the portal and took an arrow out, sticking it into the wooden ground of the loft, then hoisting myself up. Raquelle, here I come.

I reached Karina's bedroom safely. Arkin and Raquelle had already gone to sleep in Nathan's room and mine-I would need to buy a new mattress or thoroughly wash mine-I wasn't gonna sleep where a rug rat slept.

"Karina! Wake up, Karina!" I said in a hushed whisper, shaking her.

"Mmmmm... Katrina? What are you doing up so late? You know I just went to bed a while ago..." Karina said, her voice muffled by the bedsheets.

"Karina, that was Raquelle! She snuck in here and kept me prisoner in a portal! Karina, don't trust her or Arkin! We need to go, now!" I throw off the bed sheets.

"Huh? What? Raquelle is here?!" Karina almost scream.

"Shhhhh! I'll explain. Just get all your stuff together and take anything essential with us. Dang it! My backpack is still with Favin..." I could tell Karina had a lot of questions by her facial expression, but she knew there wasn't any time to loose.

We gathered everything and started out the door. I went first and held my bow and a loaded arrow in front of me, just in case. I had finished telling Karina the story while we gathered everything and used her bed sheets to hold it all together. But just as she started out the door, I saw Raquelle in the reflection of my bow, and holding a knife aimed at Karina as well.

"Karina! Watch out!" But it was too late. She collapsed to the ground, a dagger in her right shoulder. Raquelle ran toward me, and as she tackled me to the ground, I saw something in her bag. A beautiful shimmering, rainbow stone. It looked like it was made of diamond, and I wondered what it was until I remembered. It was in the book Favin showed me. A magic stone. The magic stone, the one that could control anyone that the holder desired. That's what Raquelle meant by slaves. I couldn't let her. And with that, I grabbed the magic stone and Raquelle's second dagger entered my back. 

Hey guys thanks for reading! Me and Crystal_Gague are planning to update more, so if you like this book please stay in tune for the next part! Thanks!

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