Chapter 29

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"HEY YOU!" I turn as I am walking around the school park, Nyx tackles me onto the ground.

"Nyx! Are you insane!" I pretend to be mad but she just laughs. "Aren't you supposed to be in class?"

"Yes but I wanted us two to hang out together.. I come back and you are so different.." My heart starts beating.

"What do you mean? I'm the same person.." I can't look away now or else she will keep going at it.

"I don't know you.. You changed." She frowns.

"Nyx, I haven't changed."

"Yes you have, you keep secrets from me and you won't tell me how you have been these couple of months.."

"What do you mean? I told you I was fine. "

"I can sense something is wrong with you and its up to you to tell me but I just need to know are you seriously fine? That family hasn't done anything to you right?"

"Nyx I seriously love you to death but I am completely fine and no the Night family hasn't done anything to hurt me, in fact I think I fell in love with the twins I'm taking care of. " I hug her and she smiles slightly but she still isn't buying it.

"I know you Kamaria, I know something isn't right but I can't put my finger on it.."

"And you probably won't because I'm fine and healthy."

"Whatever so how are the two little baby's?" She changes the subject, good thing about Nyx she doesn't hover.

"Oh my god Nyx you have to meet them! They are so beautiful and fun.." I gush over my little babies.

"I can tell you grew very fond of them." Nyx smiles.

"I have, I would protect them with my life! They aren't brats even if they have everything, they appreciate it all."

"Well at least that made your job easier but speaking of which how does this job even work? I mean you come to school all week so how do you care for them?"

"I take care of them during the weekends. I study during the week and I work the weekends."

"Damn that's a hard bargone."

"Not really, I mean I usually never go out so I'm okay with schooling and then work for two days. I don't have to break my back really."

"But what if you do want to go out?"

"I just ask Julius, he's pretty calm about things and is very negotiable.."

"I see. Hey at least you got a good thing out of everything."

"Yea.." I frown slightly.

"No! I didn't mean it like that! Shit... Kam I'm sorry I know you miss her and I miss her too but I bet you she is smiling as she sees the wonderful life you have now.." Sure she is...

"I hope so.." I smile softly picking at the grass.

"Well I am hungry, lets go get some breakfast.." She stands up and helps me up and we go get breakfast at the cafe.

"So what classes do you have?" Nyx eats her breakfast sandwich.

"Well I have night classes reason why you saw me in red but in a little bit I have P.E." I take a bite out of my crepe.

"We have P.E. here?" She asks surprised.

"Well I do.." I giggle.

"Well thank god I didn't but people were telling me that the students from the other campus don't mix with students from our campus and the Nights are like the owners and that they are selfish and assholes..." I scrunch my nose and get a little mad but I understand why people would think that I mean they aren't meant to mix because they are all vampires and one little slip can cause a huge problem.

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