Part 1 - That day we meet...

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Jesse's POV.

''Come on Jesse, we're going to be late'' my dad yell at me. ''Coming'' I yell back, and run down the stairs. We were going to Japan for a week or something like that because my sister didn't want our father to leave us. My dad has some business to take care of in Japan. And we were going to stay with his friend's family for the time we were there. I didn't hate it, I just didn't want to go.

Some hours later on the plane. My sister Sombra starts talking to a boy beside us in Spanish, ''¿Vas a Japón Como Nosotros?'' (Are you going to Japan like us?) Sombra ask. The boy just at her and was probably thinking about what she just said to him and what to answer. I wasn't good at talking Spanish like Sombra, but I understand it.

Sombra and I are only half-siblings. My mom died giving birth to me. That day my dad meet my new mom, who always just is my mom since I was only 2 or 3 years old. And we move to Santa Fe, New Mexico after Sombra was born.

The first 3 hours fast but still 14 hours to go. So I found my comic books and starts reading. Some hours later after reading, I fall asleep.

Sombra was the one wake me up, and told me that we were almost there and that I look like s*ht.

After the plane was landed and we have found our bags, ''They should be here waiting for us'' dad said and sew the man he was looking for. ''There you are Sojiro.'' dad said and walk over to him. The man wasn't very tall like my father was. ''Jesse, Sombra. This is Sojiro Shimada. My friend and we're going to live with him and his family for the time being. Sojiro this is my family that I told you about. My son Jesse his 17 years and my daughter Sombra shes 15 years, and you know wife Maria.'' dad said. ''It's nice to meet you, Sir.'' We said.

They stod and talk for a while, I stood and stared at a girl who was around my age, who came running over her, ''Father, I can't find Genji,'' The girl said to MR. Shimada, ''He was just beside me.'' I could see that the girl try to hold the tears back and try not to cry. I just that look beside that Sombra was gone. I was about to panic that she was gone, till I hear her Spanish accent.

I turned around and sew that she was talking to a boy. I walked over to them ''What your name?'' I ask. ''It's Genji, I got lost from brother, Hanzo,'' he said.
''Well, that cute girl over there said that she have lost ya, you know her?''
''That Hanzo.'' and ran over to him.

I didn't know what to said and think, all I was thinking was that can't be true. Hanzo that was a guy and he was the most beautiful thing that I ever had lay eyes on, and I was even thinking about flirting with him.

''Well, this my sons Hanzo the oldest one and Genji the youngest.'' MR. Shimada said. ''This is Manolo and his wife Maria, his son Jesse and daughter Sombra.'' He said.

When I was about to say hello to Hanzo, I trip over my feet and fall as long as I was onto my nose. And I knew they looked at me. ''¿Estás bien, Jesse?'' (Are you okay Jesse?) Sombra asked with a smile. I get up, ''I'm fine.'' and I knew she had something to do with it. I felt stupid and embarrassed to say anything.

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