Part 10 - The punishment...

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Hanzo's POV

I took my kimono on and walked over to the door and open it and to my surprise my father standing there.

''Is something wrong father?'' I could feel my hair dripping down on my back, I had forgotten to dry it. My father was staring at me for a few seconds.
''If I knew you were taking a shower, I would have stopped by later.''
''It's fine, What do you want, father?'' 

''I just received a call from Claude Faustus saying that both my sons and a very tall guy, which I would guess that it was Jesse, who gave his master son a beating. Is that true?'' He looked at me very seriously.

''He's wrong,'' I lied, ''It was in self-defense. Jesse and Genji have nothing to do with it.'' Well, it wasn't all lie.
''I see. I have to give you a punishment and you know that. You're grounded...''

''What? Grounded? Why?''
''You were reckless, you could have put him in the hospital again.''

''I understand.'' 
''Good. I will see you at dinner.'' 
''Yes father.'' and then he walked away.

I closed the door and walked over to my bed and jump into it. 'I'm the worst and a despicable human.' I thought to myself... 'But it could have gone worse...' 

(Just imagined that it's Hanzo on the picture instead of Rapunzel.)

Jesse's POV

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Jesse's POV

I was standing with my back against the wall in the bathroom, listening to their conversation. I know it rude to eavesdropping others conversation. But I didn't understand what they were talking about since it was in Japanese. After some time his father left, and Hanzo walked over his bed and jump into it. I walked over to him and sat on the bed.

''Are you okay, Darlin'?'' He turns to me.
''He grounded me...'' 

''Hey Jesse...''
''You said that you have been to jail once. Is that true?'' Hanzo looked at with a serious look in his eyes.
''Yeah... It was a misunderstanding...''

''What happen that day?'' 
''Well... I was in town to get a drink with some of my friends when I heard someone scream. So I walked over there to see what was happening.'' I looked over at Hanzo who was listening. ''There was a man who had rip some of this girl's clothes off. She was crying. I beat that man up. -sigh-'' 

''But I didn't know that man would tell the police that I started it, or that he would him pay himself out of it. So I get a week in jail for helping a girl.'' 

''I get it... When you have the money, you can pay yourself out of anything. -sigh- Father paid a man once just to make him shut up about a party Genji was at which didn't go so well.''
''I see...'' 

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